Friday, October 12, 2007

Jacob helped feed the animals morning. He fed the cats first and then Sammy. He always wants to feed a little more saying, "Uh oh, little bit please mama, little bit" as he runs with the scoop to the grain bucket. He then grabbed a handful of hay for the goats and climbed up on the gate to throw it in. Most of it blew back towards him. Then he looked around and saw Kate running in the pasture. He yelled, "Kate come" as he ran towards her. We headed back to the barn and Jacob yelled as loud as he could, "TruTru come, Kate, TruTru come". As we walked back through the barn he pointed at our neighbors tractor and said, "Mater do it" while making the noise of the tractor from the Cars movie. Adam had woke up to nurse at 6am and then fell back to sleep until 10am. Adam is drooling lots. I never had to use drool bibs on Jacob, but I sure do need them for Adam. Today I was dusting and turned around to find Jacob had found the syringe and was going to suction Adam's nose as he had seen me do earlier. I went and got Jacob a rag and let him help me dust. He liked that. While the boys were taking their naps I went outside to power wash the brush hog which we are going to be painting. I stayed out there until I heard Adam wake up. He was crying and that woke up Jacob. I found Jacob standing outside his room saying "Uh oh" because he had an accident. He was crying so I comforted him and got him cleaned up before I was able to care for Adam. My boys both were in need of some comforting. Jacob cuddled next to us on the couch as I nursed Adam who has a difficult time eating due to his stuffy nose. Mom called to remind me of Hailey's dance class tonight. I left soon after Jared got home from work. Met at Mom's house at 5:30. This week they had the shades closed (they only open the shades once a month) so I showed Hailey where we would be peeking through to watch her. She did very well this week and was even doing some of the steps. I love the way Hailey looks at her teacher with a smile. At the end of class they gave each child a piece of candy and Hailey was excited about that. I heard Jacob say excitedly, "Mama's home" as I walked in the door. He gave me a hug and kiss. Jared said the boys did great. He was warming up a bottle for Adam who had just started to get fussy.


Anonymous said...

What endearing shots of Adam in his hat.

I would say that the boys did well because Jared did well. This means that Kimmy can stay away more often for longer periods of time. Jared knows what to do!

Melissa said...

Thanks for going with mom to take Hailey to dance class. She always does so good for you.

Anonymous said...

Mel, I was happy to go and see my little niece dancing. You should have seen mom and I peeking through the little crack of the shade to watch her dance.