Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Jacob fed Sammy and the cats again this morning. As I helped him scoop Sammy's grain I noticed a huge spider on top of the grain in the scoop. I jumped back but Jacob didn't notice it. I pointed it out to him and he set the scoop down to look at it. The spider fell off and Jacob watched it for a little bit - then he decided to step on it, pick it up and bring it over to me saying, "look mama". He fed the cats and then said, "check on cheep, feed hay". He grabbed a handful of hay to throw into them. Then we walked out into the pasture to look at the grass where we used the brush hog. Jacob was climbing up on the mole hills and jumping off. I walked towards the barn and Jacob called out, “wait me, wait me, wait me Mama”. During lunch Jacob got to talk on the phone to Aunt Missy, Hailey and Max. Later, I asked Jacob to go pick up his drink by the door, he went over to picked it up and said, “No door mama, right dere” while pointing to the middle of the entrance way where the drink was sitting. I went to the store to get some envelopes and walked around. The boys were great. Every time Jacob would see a toy with the movie Cars theme he’d get excited, point and say something like, “look mama, look mama, right dere, I tee please, I tee”. Adam was content playing with his toys. My sister Mel’s kids are staying with us because she is having surgery tomorrow morning. There is a lot of spinal fluid leaking out so there going to try and fix that. Jacob was so excited when he found out they were coming over. He jumped in a circle, clapping his hands and saying, “Meme home, Lailey, Max”. He was just as excited when he saw Bruce. All the kids were really excited to see each other. Hailey told us we needed to cut the grass because it tickled her legs. This evening she was playing and stopped to say, “Jared, I love you, I love you very much”. She is so sweet. Kate was happy to see Hailey and started licking her toes, which made Hailey smile. Hailey said she like BOTH our dogs. All the kids were asleep by 9:30 – I took their pictures because they looked so cute.


Anonymous said...

Cute pictures. I love all the sleeping pictures. They are all laying so cute. I think the one of Adam sleeping with his thumb in his mouth while holding his shirt up with his other hand could win a contest. Very sweet. Love ya and thanks so much for having the kids again for me. Melissa

Anonymous said...

What an Aunt and Uncle. The only thing missing are the grandparents. That means more company! Now...if Jacob adds the word for to Wait have JB right on. I can't recall how many times he said wait for me when we camped at Shade State Park. We renamed him...Wait for me on several occasions. Poor little JB with the shortest legs. You know the apple story well. Prayers for Melissa today.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You have to be so busy. I love the bathroom picture with all the kids brushing their teeth. I love the one of Adam sleeping with his shirt pulled up too. Its's adorable. Hailey looked so cute with the 4 braids today. How do you do it! All those kids and still fix a cute hair style for your niece. You are awesome!!!
Love Mom