Sunday, October 28, 2007

This morning Jacob came down the hallway around 8:30 and crawled into bed with us. He said, "hi mama, I awake". At church I took Jacob to his class and Adam to the nursery. Jacob ran to the front row and sat in a yellow chair. The ladies were happy to see Adam coming back today. After church Jacob was throwing fits for lots of little things and seemed very tired. He almost fell asleep on the drive home. We layed him down for a nap earlier than usual and he was in a much better mood when he woke up. While the boys were alseep we went outside and worked on the flower garden. Adam woke up and got to go on a tractor ride with Daddy. It was around 50 degrees outside and sunny. Made chili for dinner. Jacob sat on the counter and handed me each can to open. Adam tried apples tonight and loved them. Lately when Jacob gets in bed he always says, "help me, spread out blanket" "cover me up". Then shortly after I leave his room he gets out of bed and peeks out his doorway at us and says, "goodnight mama, goodnight Daddy" and runs back to his bed.

Look at them muscles!


Melissa said...

Love the pictures again! Especially the ones of Jacob showing his muscles and the boys laying on the floor.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures...I had to print some! Just HAD to. Where is the flower bed you are working on? Is that where your bulbs are? Are they tulips? I get so excited when thinking of flower beds! I thought it was going to frost last night so I pulled a bunch of blooming plants...It DIDN'T frost! That's the luck of a gardener!

Anonymous said...

The flower bed we worked on yesterday we by the back porch. They were getting really crowded. We thinned out some plants and dug up some tiger lily bulbs. We replanted some hosta plants under the tree next to the driveway. The other day Jacob and I planted tulip and crocus bulbs which I had gotten for my birthday from the boys. We had some thick ice in our goats bucket yesterday morning - I feel soon we'll be plugging in the heaters - burr cold here.