Sunday, September 30, 2007

On the way home from church today Jacob said,
"No home Mama, Nana's house". It was a beautiful day outside, so after lunch we took the kids outside. We sat in the grass and the boys smile when I blew a whistle with grass between my thumbs. Jacob covered Tiger(our barn cat) with his blanket. Then he went down the slide and I pushed Adam in the swing. Jared brought a ball out so they could play catch. Then, when Jacob was at the top of his slide, Jared would kick the ball really far. Jacob would say, "I got it, I got it" as he slid down the slide and tried to beat Daddy to the ball. Daddy threw the ball down the curly slide and Jacob wanted to try it. While the boys were napping, Jared went into town to get an adapter for hooking up the brush hog to our tractor. Adam woke up and I sat outside with him while waiting for Jared to get home. When Jacob woke up he was excited to watch Daddy cutting the grass with the tractor. We went outside and played in the sand. I got a turn on the tractor and it was fun. Jared really did a great job fixing our tractor - it now starts up better than it ever has. We prayed and I believe God helped him fix it. Tonight Jared had chips and finished up Bruce's homemade salsa. Jacob wanted a bowl with chips and he also got me some in a bowl. He brought them over to me and said, "Here mama". I had Adam laughing really hard tonight as I tickeled his belly. Jacob crawled up next to him on the couch and rubbed his head. Earlier today he was petting Adam's head and talking to him when he looked up at me and said, "Mama pet A-am's head". Jared was writing out checks this evening and Jacob stood there and watched (last picture).


Anonymous said...

Now you are starting to replace older kids not only for Jacob (who continues to grow up too quickly) but for Adam -- who is obviously much older in the photo of him sitting.

Anonymous said...

Jared said he wanted to go to Nana's house?? wow wondered if he wanted to play papa ping pong??

Anonymous said...

Does the desk chair have a bottom. Looks like it or perhaps JB is sitting on air. How about a soccer ball for the great throw-in technique. Never to early to start that. I LOVE the pictures. You guys are the best for living far away, away from your former homes.