Monday, April 20, 2009

Picture of the broilers. Yesterday we lost 2 but we've lost none today.

I got up at 6:00. Jacob slept until 8:30. He typed on the computer until Adam woke up at 9:00. It rained during the night. As the boys looked out the window Jacob asked, "Do flowers like rain?" After breakfast the boys watched a Barney video. When I turned on the tv Adam said, "Fifford on!" but we still aren't getting a signal for the PBS station. The boys were excited to put on their "fireman jackets" and go outside to play in the puddles. Jacob liked pushing his snow shovel back and forth thru the puddle. After a while we went into the barn to check on the chicks. Adam climbed in the wagon saying, "Hay ride?" I pulled the boys around in the driveway. Jacob wanted to pretend the wagon was a school bus and I was driving them to school. It was around 11:15 when we came back inside. The boys enjoyed some hot chocolate. I was cleaning out the cupboard and found a couple coffee containers with a little coffee grounds in each. Before throwing them out Jacob asked to play with them. I got him some measuring things and bowls. Adam many times today has asked, "Doing Mommy?" After I tell him what I'm doing he responds, "Ok." After lunch we got out the dominos to play with. The boys sat at the table with those and some of their cars. Adam then left to play with tools. When Jacob was done playing with dominos he went to play with Adam and the tools. Adam did not want to share any of the tools. I put them into a pile and the boys took turns picking tools, so they each had some to play with. Adam was ok with that until he realized that Jacob had picked both hammers. Jacob kindly gave him one of his hammers but Adam threw a fit anyway. It didn't last long and soon he was fixing water pipes with Jacob. We got out the firetruck playhut and the boys pretended to be firemen. They like to spray me with their hoses. Jacob drew a train on his pixter as he sat in the firetruck and told me, "Never play with burning fire on a choo choo train cause it might burn you and you might get sick." Then he said, "When your in a burning building call 911 and a firetruck will come." I pretended to be in a burning building and called 911. Jacob quickly came to rescue me and then put out the fire. At 2:30 the boys had a snack and we read some books. Adam napped from 3-5. Jacob rested while counting his change. He liked orgainizing the coins into separate piles. Jacob asked me if I wanted to hear his song. After singing it for me he said, "That means your special." Jacob played at the table with flour until Daddy came home from work. We all went outside to take care of the animals. Then the boys had fun running thru the puddles. As Adam ran thru the puddle he said, "Mash (splash) in powel (puddle)!"After dinner Jared played some Wii tennis. Jacob helped me peel eggs and make egg salad. Then he helped pack Daddy's lunch. I folded and put away laundry. Jacob folded all my towels. Then he piled them in the shopping cart and told Daddy that he was shopping for his son named Adam. At bedtime Adam grabbed Jacob's hand and they ran to his bedroom to get in the crib. After the boys were in bed Jared and I watched 24.


Grandma R said...

Good looking jackets with those bright blue hats. And what fun playing in the rain. That reminds me of camping fun. I don't think I even thought of playing in the rain other then when we were camping. Chicks look wonderful. Are they all together yet or are they in two different places. They are growing as they should be. Happy to know the death rate has slowed. I think Jacob's song is great. Are butterflies the choice for breakfast?

The Daddy said...

Andrew use's the old coffee containers for DRUMS at his mawma's house..he can get a good beat going too and usually the tougne is hanging out too

uncle dee said...

What a great help Jacob is!

Kimmy said...

The chicks were in two different stalls but are now in three. We separated the 10 big chicks from TSC into their own stall. Adam's favorite placemat are the butterfly and farm. Yesterday Jacob wanted to use the one with his name on it.