Friday, November 30, 2007

The boys slept in until around 9am. They looked cute in their dino pj's so I took some pictures of them by the Christmas tree. Truman walked right up and sat next to Adam - so I got some pictures of my three boys. Jacob again enjoyed watching the snow. We got more than yesterday and it was covering our car. Jacob took his stool out the the entrance way so he could look at the car. I brought in a container of snow for Jacob to play in and he liked seeing it eventually melt. Adam still has a cold and is teething - however he did get a good nap in today. Jacob wanted to play with the stools except today he wanted us both to drive firetrucks. He wanted Adam to sit in the swing next to us and pretend that was his car seat. Then Jacob decided to go and get something and came back with two lids to his bowls which he said had pizza on them. I asked him for some choc milk and he ran back to get us each some. I could only hear him making pouring sounds and then he came back and handed me his fist made like a cup. Wait - he forgot something - ran back to get two more lids. He handed me one but I couldn't understand what he was saying they were - then he set one down and put his fist on it - they were costers to set our drinks on. My pizza was hot so he took it and put it in his pretend freezer - we counted to 10. He can count to ten but needs help with the number four. Then we had fun playing with blocks. Its funny to see him copy things that I do. He asked me to knock over his train so he could tickle me after I did. I let him watch Rudolf the Red Nosed Raindeer - which I shouldn't have because he was really scared of the abominable snowman. I forgot how scary it can be. He said, "no watch that gen Mama - dat scare me, he bite people" and he wanted me to hold him. He took a long nap this afternoon and woke up after Jared was home from work. We did some shopping this evening and went to the mall to walk around. Saw my cousin Shani and Steve - we had a nice visit with them.


Anonymous said...

I love the pics. Your babys are soooooooooo cute. I love them so much.

Anonymous said...

If you ever send out Christmas cards you have the best pictures. I'm printing some for ME. What great boys. The biggest one was missing and I can't imagine why you didn't include Kate! Not really. That's supposed to be a joke. Thanks again for your blog. I love it.

Melissa said...

What adorable pictures of the boys in their pajamas. I'm glad to know not to let my kids watch Rudolf. I wouldn't have thought of that part either.