Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Mel and her family came over this evening. The kids were so excited to see each other. They ran up and down the hallway laughing all the way. They play so well together. We made pizza for dinner and after dinner we gave Max his birthday gift. Jacob couldn't wait for him to open it up - he had helped me wrap it earlier. After they played for a little bit I gave Max a haircut. It turned out really cute - he's such a handsome little guy. He did very well - cried some but held really still. He kept saying "I dirty" as his hair fell on his hands.


Melissa said...

Thanks for cutting Max's hair. He looks so cute. You do such a good job. Max sure loves the playmat you got him. I set it up in the living room last night after putting him in bed. He was so excited when he saw it this morning. He sat down and started playing with it right away and still playing with it a couple hours later.

Melissa said...

I love the black and white picture of Max. That turned out really cute.