Monday, November 26, 2007

The boys woke up around 7:30am. They both slept so good last night. Jacob was so tired we didn't even read his bedtime stories - he fell asleep within minutes. This morning I was telling Jacob that Aunt Missy was going to have a baby and he said, "Uh-ha right". Then he said, "no me have baby, I play piretruck, I play car, I play truck". Around 11:00 we headed to the bank and then to Nana's house. Jacob was so excited to see Nana - he ran to give her a hug and kiss. Adam played happily while we had lunch. Then I gave him a bath in the sink and got him ready for his doctor appointment. Jacob stayed with Nana while we went to Adam's appt. Adam weighed 20 lbs 0.5 oz and is 28 inches for height. Adam had 6 separate shots - he did great and stopped crying as soon as I picked him up. When we left the doctors it was very cold and rainy outside. Stopped to get a few groceries and then headed back to my moms. Left as soon as we got home to go pick up the saturn and then went to meijer. When we got home we had vegetable soup for dinner which my Mom had made - thanks Mom, it was really good. Adam tried cheerios for the first time - he liked them. I put a bunch on his tray and he tried to pick them up but wasn't able to - he'd fuss until I put another one in his mouth. Tonight we set up the Christmas tree. Jacob was so excited. He jumped up and down saying a cheer, "go Daddy go, go Daddy go" as he put together the tree. He put the beads around his neck saying "I got long hair". Then he helped Daddy bring out boxes while I spread out the branches. Adam loved watching and seeing the lights. Jacob helped put on ornaments until we were all finished. Then we put on the candy canes. He and Daddy set up the Nativity and after his bedtime prayers he ran out to say goodnight to each one.


The Daddy said...

ok then we were pretty close. Adam weighs 20 lb 5 oz and is 28 inches at 6 months...Andrew weighs 21 lbs and is 29 inches at 12 months...yes everybody you read that right! they are 6 months apart and are about the same size!

Melissa said...

Cute pictures Kimmy. Wow, Adam sure is getting big. Poor little guy having to get 6 shots in one day. How's he feeling? Is he doing better today?