Monday, November 19, 2007

Friday morning I finished packing the car for our trip. Jacob and I went outside to take care of the animals. Jacob pulled his wagon through the barn over to the goats and then climbed in. I gave all the animals extra hay and made sure their water tanks/buckets were full. The cats were all crying for more food so Jacob feed them. Kate is staying in a stall in our barn and the neighbor boy is taking care of her and the other animals. Truman is staying with my parents and Kenzie will help take care of him. She told me she's got alot planned for him. Around 10:30 we headed over to Mom's but stopped at meijer for some dog food. Truman sat up front by me and as we left meijer an older gentleman commented that he liked my lapdog. Jacob was excited to go see Nana and was also happy when he found out Max and Hailey were there. They played until it was time for lunch and then Nana got them all some snacks. Jared got out of work early so we were able to get on the road by around 2pm. Jacob never complained the whole trip. He did alot of coloring and looked at some books - he also took a 3hr nap. We stopped to stretch and feed Adam around 4:30pm. Then stopped at McDonalds for dinner. We arrived around 7:30pm. Jacob was excited to play with all Grandma's little people things. Adam liked hitting the drum. Jacob is sleeping upstairs in the computer room and Adam is sleeping in the playpen down by us. Both boys went to sleep great. Jacob loved the nightlight Grandma put in the room he's sleeping in.
Saturday pm was Andrews 1yr birthday party. We had lots of fun there and got to eat some good chili. They even made me some meatless chili - thanks! Andrew seemed facinated with Adam (who is about the same size as him). He seemed to have his own conversation with him face to face. It was so cute. I'll post pictures when we get home.
Sunday: After church we had Grandma's yummy chicken noodle soup for lunch. Eric, Kat, and Andrew came over also. Andrew looked so cute as he rocked in the rocking chair. Jared and Eric showed the boys how not to play as they threw toys hard at each other. Then they built Jacob a tent out of cushions, blankets and the sled. Kat worked on the computer. Then it was naptime. Uncle Eric gave Jacob a superman ride up to bed. While the boys were asleep Jared and I left to get a new modem for the computer. Adam was awake and playing with Grandma when we came back. Jared worked on the computer for awhile and was able to get the internet back up and working. We had pizza for dinner and then apple pie with "cold" cream. The apple pie was so good.
This morning Jacob had fun playing in the bathtub with the little people and a boat. He also like filling the container up using the sponge. Now its time for Adam's bath.


Anonymous said...

WHERE R U??? I miss you so much! Where r u blogging at?

Anonymous said...

I'm using Jared's parents computer. I miss you too. Love ya.

Brother Cassian said...

I am glad to hear the news, even without any pictures. I will look forward to seeing the pictures after you are back in Michigan.

Melissa said...

I love the picture of Adam and Andrew looking at each other.