Monday, November 05, 2007

November 4, 2007

We set the clocks back last night, which didn't really mean we got an extra hour of sleep because the kids still woke up at their same times (except an hour earlier time-wise). But it did give us an extra hour to get things ready for church which was nice. Jacob asked if he could watch his tractor video this morning and he wanted Adam to sit right by him. After church we made pizza for lunch. Jared usually has a pop and Jacob will get a sip. Jacob likes to tease Daddy and say, "I drink Daddy's pop" and then Daddy tickles him. Then Jacob will say, "Mama drink Daddy's pop" and then Jared pretends to tickles me. Lately when I take Jacob into the bathroom and turn on the lights he runs back and turns one off saying, "no two lights Mama, one light". Adam started saying Mama when he sees me. If I go get him from his crib or he's on Daddy's lap and sees me, he wants me to hold him and says, "Mama, Mama". He has gotten good at scooting on his belly - he kept going around in circles today. Tonight we watched the Colt's game. Jacob fell asleep next to Daddy on the couch.


Anonymous said...

I love the new color on your blog. Great for fall. I seeing snow through the patio door on the Jacob/Adam picture. Woo. Tell me. So you watched the Colts. I am in a funk for sure. They worked so hard but I guess not hard enough. Payton said the 4 guns (people) that he usually has to throw to and play with need to return to the game asap.

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures and nice new color on your blog. Max woke up early too yesterday. At least we had extra time to get ready for church. He also woke up an hour early this morning. I put him to bed at his usual time so you would think he would wake up at his usual time. I guess it'll just take a while for them to get used to this new time change.

Anonymous said...

Your blog looks so nice! I love it. And I love you.

Anonymous said...

I like your new blog colors and design too. Great pictures of the kids. Adam looks so grown up sitting next to Jacob. Hugs and kisses to the boys...xoxoxoxoxoxox

Anonymous said...

No snow yet - but it sure is cold. Very windy yesterday.