Thursday, November 01, 2007

Jacob loves to use the four couch pillows. He likes to stack them up, sit on them, or lay on them. And he usually wants me to have one too. Today he set a couple pillows on one side of his stool and a couple on the other side with one slanted. He looked at me while pointing and said, "This step, that slide Mama". Adam is sitting up really well now and is usually very content to sit up and play with his toys. He has learned how to catch himself when he starts to fall back.


Anonymous said...

Very cute video of the boys...Adam sure looks like a Russell...He's sitting up so good for his age. Amazing...Jacob sure likes saying trick or treat now doesn't he. He's talking so cute now. Brings back memories when I see him stacking the pillows. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I am so HAPPY to know that the stool is called a stool and NOT a time out stool. Yahoo. Life is good. well did the car clear the deer? It must have been sleeping on the road. Poor bambi. They can be a hazard where you live. Way to much super habitate.

Anonymous said...

Today is BLUE Friday. Blue for the Colts! Yahoo. I bought a few things to carry on the mood that goes with Sunday. Dave Frick is the head honcho who is in charge of building the new Colts house downtown. It's HUGE. Dave and Ann help us most Sundays with Hospitality time. He is bringing helmets, balls and who knows what else for decorating. We will have a blast for sure. Go Colts. I'm nervous.