Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Adam drank out of the sippy cup for the first time. He preferred chewing but did drink a couple ounces.

I went to check on Jacob and he was in his bedroom reading books with his hat on - I grabbed the camera because I thought it was cute.

The stools were are motorcycles today - Jacob felt we needed to wear helmets so he brought the toy buckets over and put it on my head and then buckled it under my chin. He'd yell out "watch out Truman Kate, motorcycle coming, watch out. We'd make noises like they were breaking down and needed to be fixed. Jacob would work on fixing it, then we'd count to three and start them back up again. We played this again before dinner and Jacob would look at me and say, "I be right back, goodbye kiss hugg Daddy, I go tee Daddy". Jacob loves to watch the train videos on the computer. I had never seen the bullet trains in Japan before and couldn't believe how fast they go. Jared pulled up some videos of building implosions. Jacob would say "I watch buildings pall down" as he moved his hand from above his head down to the floor.


Melissa said...

I love the picture of Jacob reading books with the hat on.

Melissa said...

Love the motorcylce helmets. That's too funny.

Anonymous said...

LOL nice motercycles I like the yellow helmet. Cute! Love Vikki

The Daddy said...

did jacob actually count 1-2-3 or did he say 3-2-3 really fast??

Anonymous said...

Great that you captured that picture of Jacob reading on his bed. It's so cute.
Had to laugh at the motorcycle and helmet picture. You have a family that makes me smile and keeps me young. Now I know what you do all day. Love to all!