Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Adam didn't sleep great last night. He woke up at 2:30 and talked himself back to sleep and then woke back up around 4:30. He talked for awhile and then started to fuss. I nursed him and then lay him back in his play and he fell back to sleep quickly. Then he slept til around 9am. Jacob called saying he was awake around 7:30. He ate breakfast and then we went upstairs and watched winnie the pooh. This morning we took the boys to build-a-bear. Jacob helped us pick out a bear for Adam's christmas present. He then picked out a heart and stepped on the peddle to fill it with fluff. Then he grabbed a brush and helped Daddy give it a bath. It was fun. Then we walked through the rest of the mall. When we got home it was time for lunch. Jared and I had fun coloring the box that held the bear. Jacob also added some color to the box. Had chili for dinner. Adam was laying on the floor and I held Jacob's bear over him and he was getting so excited he'd scream really loud. Very funny. Well, Adam is going to be our alarm tomorrow and we will be leaving after his first morning feeding.


The Daddy said...

which bear did Adam get for xmas?

Melissa said...

po090989899999ooo575/,./.,MNBVCCXZ';LKJHGFDSaa][poiuytrewq=-09875321` haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiley3
Hi Aunt Meme, I miss you alot. I miss Uncle Jared and Jacob and Adam too. Tell Jacob and Adam they will have a new little cousin to play with soon. Max will be a big brother, and I will be a big sister again. Love, Hailey

Anonymous said...

Miss you guys! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Sounds like you are having lots of fun. Can't wait to see you when you get back. Give Jacob and Adam lots of hugs and kisses from Nana. Much Love