Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Adam woke up at 5am, nursed, and then slept until ~9am. Jacob came and crawled in bed with me at 8:30. He rubbed my face and said, "hi Mama". When we went outside to feed the animals we bundled up because it was a cold morning. I carried in a bucket of corn for the corn burner. Once we got in the house I asked Jacob if he wanted to help me carry the corn. He said yes and grabbled a couple kernels of corn and walked over to the burner. I guess I should ask him if he wants to help me carry the bucket next time. After breakfast he asked if we could play with his playdoh. "Mama play blue, I play yellow" he said. He likes when I roll little balls for him to hall around in his trucks. He was flattening the balls to look like coins and said, "look Mama, I make money". After taking Jacob to have his pictures taken we went to the middle of the mall so he could play. Then we walked around the toy section of Target. As we were walking out to the car I noticed Adam wasn't holding his little stuffed animal anymore. He had dropped it somewhere - so we backtracked and found it on the floor by the toys. Adam tried carrots for dinner - he liked them, but did make a couple funny faces. Still he opened him mouth wide for every bite.


Anonymous said... tell such funny stories. This time it's the corn story. It's interesting that one always things the message is clear and to the point in our minds but the interpertation is really the clear message. I wouldn't change the message when the outcome makes one laugh. Jacob's pictures are great no matter who takes them.
Nine more sleeps.

Anonymous said...

Hi Love,

One more sleep till I get to see you. I love you and miss you. See you soon. Thanks for all the pictures you posted.

Your Love