Saturday, November 03, 2007

Jared was asleep in bed as I was re-posting my blog last night. I heard him talking and grabbed the camera.


The Daddy said...

too funny hopefully kat wont hear anything like that from me.

Melissa said...

That is so funny. Glad you grabbed the camera. I can't wait to push on his head next time I see him. Sounds like a pretty interesting job. How much does it pay? Maybe that's what Jacob will want to be when he grows up.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if Jared's a soap dispenser, what are the other members of his family? Could be interesting to hear. Get your cameras ready and put your videos on the blog so we can enjoy...

Jared, I to am anxious to push on your head the next time I see you.
Are you a foam dispenser or a regular soap dispenser. Just wondering.
Thanks for letting Kimmy put that on for us to enjoy and get a good lather, I mean laugh....ha ha

Anonymous said...

Classic. Even better than Rick sitting up in bed with his arms out being an airplane -- as Sandy described it!

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about the soap dispenser . . . are the refills expensive? Can you use different kinds of soap? Are there newer models -- after all, how much longer will this one last?