Monday, November 12, 2007

Saturday: After donuts and coffee this morning we went to a couple stores to do some shopping. When we got home I did some things around the house while Jared and Jacob went outside. When I went out there Jacob was having fun playing in the sawdust with his tractors while Jared worked on one of his projects. Jared said Jacob was handing him screws when he needed them. Mom and Dad are cleaning out their garage to fit my Dads car and asked if we wanted their tool bench. They called to say they were going to bring it over. Jacob was really excited to see Nana. He built a long train across the kitchen with his big trucks and tractors and came over to ask us to look at it. He said, "Nana look, Mama look, Bill look" as he pointed at his train (he had just heard Mom calling Dad). We all went outside to look at the workbench in Jared's workshop - it looks great in there. Jacob didn't want Nana to leave. Adam sat in his chair and chewed on toys while we played with playdoh. Ever time we built something Jacob thought was cool he wanted to trade seats.

Mykenzie then - and Mykenzie now - 10 years old!

Here are some more pictures of our fun evening at Kenzie birthday party.

After church we stopped at meijer for a few groceries. Then we headed home for some lunch and I gave Jared a haircut. Around 3pm we headed over to mom's house. Kenzie birthday party started at 6:30 so it gave us time to help decorate. Jared blew up lots of baloons. Then he and Dad went downstairs to play pingpong - Jacob loves to play in the basement so he went down with them. Adam was really tired so he took a nap. I gave mom's dog a haircut before the party started. Good thing Jacob wasn't sitting to close to the uncovered birthday cake as he tried to help blow out the candles(pictured above). After cake and ice cream, it was time for Kenzie to open presents. Jacob's and Max's favorite was when she opened a remote control Jeep. They couldn't wait to get it out of the box. They took it outside to play with on the deck and Jacob figured out quickly how to make it go forwards and backwards. He'd make it come my way and say, "watch out Mama, here comes jeep". He was jumping around and very excited. Kenzie got out her new stamp set which she and Josie had fun with. Got the boys in their pjs before we left and they both fell asleep on the drive home. Neither one woke up as I carried them to their rooms and lay them in bed for the night.


Melissa said...

I like the then and now pictures of Kenzie. What a good idea. You got alot of great pictures. I had to copy a few and add them to my blog. I love the one of Kenzie and Mocha. That's a good one of Max and I with the party hats too.

Melissa said...

That one of Jacob hhelping Kenzie blow out the candles is so funny.

The Daddy said...

I always knew Jared was full of hot air...never knew though he was a soap dispenser though.


Anonymous said...

I love the pics and the one of Jacob blowing so hard is my favorite. LOL that was too funny! Love yas and thanks for comming.