Helping his people play the violin
Jacob wanted to watch his tractor video again this morning. Adam woke up with a stuffy nose. He was a fussier than usual and wanted to be held alot today. Had to go to the store for a few things. As we started in the car down the road Jacob said, "slow down Mama". At the store I also picked up playdoh for Jacob. He held it and pointed saying, "I love dis yellow, I love dis blue, I love dis red, I love dis white". We also had to stop at TSC for some horse food. Jacob asked if he could walk instead of ride in the cart. He kept saying, "Wait me, wait up Mama". When we got home it was time for lunch. After lunch we got out the playdoh. Jacob had fun making snakes and cutting the playdoh with a plastic knife. Adam has started lifting his hands over his head when I ask him how big he is - and then I say so big when he hands are in the air. He doesn't do it every time but it sure is cute when he does. Jacob wanted to play with the playdoh again after dinner. Adam was taking a short nap when Jacob heard him wake up. He stopped playing and ran to his bedroom saying, "Adam awake, It ok Adam I coming, no cry". I was sitting with Jacob at the table playing with the playdoh when he looked over at me and said, "I miss Daddy". Earlier today the dogs started barking like they do when Jared comes home. Jacob got really excited, jumping up and down, clapping his hands and said, "back Tru Tru, back Kate, Daddy home". He sure misses his Daddy (so do I). He was happy to get to talk to him on the phone this evening.
Glad to see Adam has learned to sign "TOUCHDOWN" way to go kimmy. sounds like Jacob has also been listening to mommy when Jared is driving with the slow down thing ha ha haha
That's sweet how Jacob cares so much about his brother. I love waht he said about the playdough too. How cute.
Jacob is talking so much now and says such cute things. I'm glad you write it like he says it. I love the violin he made. So cute!
He sure is a caring little guy. He will be excited when daddy gets home. Very nice pictures. I love the one of Jacob with the violin and Adam with his hands up. Is that how he does soooo big? Love Mom
So, are there Suzuki violin programs in your area? Might you check into that for Jacob so that he is ready to play a violin when he is three? You could start now playing the music for him and letting him move HIS bow to the sounds of the CD. I think his cousin is a very good model for him -- he is learning a lot from her!
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