Monday, November 19, 2007

Adam got a bath in the sink. He was really into everything around the sink and didn't do any splashing around. We played for a little bit and then decided to go for a walk. We put the boys in strollers and took a long walk. I really enjoy listening to Jared as he tells us of childhood memories around his neighborhood. Adam fell asleep for much of the trip. Jared said we were going to try and take a shortcut back home - if the trail through the woods was still there. It seemed to be there at first until we ended up rushing through someones back yard and then there was no more trail. We each had to carry the boys and strollers back to the road because of all the roots and leaves. We were laughing - it was pretty funny. Today we are having Thanksgiving dinner. Jacob went out with Grandma in the kitchin and sat on the counter to help her with the potatoes. Then he hung out with her as she set the table. Eric, Kat and Andrew came around 6pm. The dinner was great and we had a nice visit. We decided to wait on apple pie for a little while and we went out to the living room and watched the boys play. While we were eating dessert Aunt MaryKay stopped in for a visit. After Jacob was done with his ice cream he went downstairs to watch football on Grandpa's lap. He walked around to the front of Grandpa's desk where he crawled under and then climb up on his lap. We haven't seen him sit that long on someone's lap for a long time. He sat there until it was time for bed.


Anonymous said...

So glad to see your blog entries and hear about how you are doing and the fun you are all having. Love ya and Miss ya! Hugs and kisses to my little sweeties.

Melissa said...

Glad to hear from you. I really miss you. Hope you have a nice thanksgiving. Love ya, Melissa

Melissa said...

Hey Kimmy, if you see this comment before you leave for Georgia, go to my blog and watch the video I posted.

Anonymous said...

Mel, I really wish I could but I can't watch videos on this computer. I'll watch it as soon as I come back. Have a nice Thanksgiving. Love ya. Check my webkinz if you can.