Saturday, November 03, 2007

After our donuts stop this morning we drove by our first house and then went to Salvation army. Jacob needed some warm pjs as he was down to only one pair that fit him. I found 5 really nice, warm ones in his size. After lunch Jared went into town to get some wood to build a funnel to drop the corn from our gravity wagon into a bucket. We got the gravity wagon to store corn in - we use corn to heat the house. It is cheaper to fill up a wagon with corn than it is to buy it by the bag. Also it will be parked out our door so we don't have to haul buckets of corn from the barn to the house in the winter. He worked on building that while I cleaned the house, mainly the kitchen. Jared suprised me and got me a new coffee maker. It makes coffee by the cup - one or two or in a travel mug. Vikki and Kenzie came over for a visit. They brought an old video of Kenzie for us to watch. It was lots of fun to watch. Kenzie played with Jacob. They were having so much fun. Adam tried pairs tonight - he would open his mouth waiting for the next bite. Jacob also tried a pair - he did not like it and asked for an apple instead.


The Daddy said...

kimmy..pairs are what two of something like shoes....pears are what you eat! ha ha ha ha ha dont worry I knew what you ment though...Andrew likes pears too.


Anonymous said...

Thats funny - I can't believe I wrote that. Tired I guess.

Anonymous said...

I had so much fun at your house yesterday. I still cant believe it about the violin that is so crazy to me. Did I tell you that I found it on line and its a trainer violin? So Mykenzie will be able to use it for sure. Im so happy. It sells online for about $139.00 so I feel like I still got a great deal.
Love ya,

Melissa said...

Adorble pictures. Hailey did the same thing when she tried a pear. She didn't like it and asked for an apple too. That's funny cause they both liked them when they were babies.

Anonymous said...

looks like kimmy has been playing with the blog colors today

Anonymous said...

Great new colors on your blog. I think Eric meant meant when he wrote ment! Crazy world isn't it. One things leads to another. I know what he meant! I heard that it is snowing in the UP. Brrrr. Alittle cooler here and those poor Colts. The game should have ended at the end of the third quarter.