Saturday, November 03, 2007

Had everything typed but as I hit publish the server went down and I lost everything. Here are some pictures of our day. In picture 4 Jacob lifted his shirt, looked at his bellybutton and said, "I feed baby Mama". Adam had such a messy diaper this morning - he got a bath in the sink. When we got to Mom's house Jacob said to me excitedly, "Nana home, I miss Nana". Went to Grandpa's and groomed his dog. While we were there Adam slept, Jacob played with Kenzie and Mom did some outside chores for Grandpa. Met Jared and Mel at Mom - took the kids dressed for Halloween over to Grandpa's. Aunt Vikki came there - great to see her. She hadn't seen Adam since he was about 2 weeks old. Went with Mel to Hailey's dance - Mel took her in and she did great. Mom made us dinner tonight - my favorite meal - thanks Mom!!


Anonymous said...

Nice Pictures...I have to admit you do take better pictures than I do. That's ok though because you share them. I love ya! I'm glad you take so many great ones of the kids. I sure enjoy them. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Hailey in her dance class. Glad you took it for us to see. Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mom - we learn from the best! I sure do enjoy looking at your blog pictures too. I love you. Dinner was great! Thanks again.

Melissa said...

Thanks for taking all those pictures of Hailey in her dance class and sending them to me. I'm so glad brought your camera. Also, I love the look on Max and Jacob's faces while you were reading to them. They were both really into that book.