Wednesday, July 02, 2008

This is his tractor with a scoop.

Jacob held this books around him and said, "dis my firefighter coat, dis keeps me tafe".
"Dese my lippers (slippers)".
Our boys.

He tucked himself in with his animals.
Watching the storm.
Watching the fly.

Adam likes to drive around the house making truck or train sounds, something he learned from Jacob.

Playing with "McDomnos (dominos)".
Playing with Daddy

Jared left for work at 5am. He also will be getting home late. Jacob crawled into our bed at 6:30. I woke up at 9am and the kids were still asleep. Adam woke up around 10 and Jacob woke up at 10:30. After a late breakfast Jacob and I sat on the couch and looked at picture books. I showed him pictures of Mommy and Daddy when we were little. Adam pushed around the trucks and looked at some books. He likes to stand up on the toy box lid. Jacob played with his blocks at the table for a little bit. Then we played some hide and seek. Adam follows Jacob as they excitedly hide and I come find the giggling boys. We got out the Little People things and played in Adam’s bedroom. Around 1:30 we went outside to play until naptime. Adam went right over to the toys in the sand. Jacob rode around in the grass on his tractor. I walked over to let the chickens out of their coop. I opened the door and they came running out. I was shocked when I turned around and almost stepped on a little black baby skunk. I knew the mom couldn’t be far off so I ran through the tall weeds and towards the house. Jacob will tell you that I screamed. Right away it started smelling like skunk outside, but I did not get sprayed. Adam napped for 2 hrs. While Jacob was resting I did the dishes and folded some laundry. Jacob likes folding the dish clothes so I left them for him to do. It was very stormy outside and blowing a lot. We lost power around 4pm. Jacob couldn’t figure out why the lights and the fan wouldn’t work. Adam road around on the ride on car and as he pushed the horn he said, “beep beep”. Then he walked over to Kate and said, “I (hi) daw-dee (doggie)”. The power was still out at dinnertime so the boys ate sandwiches and yogurt. The lights came back on while they were eating. After dinner we went outside to take care of the animals. Jacob shook his head as we got his shoes on and said, “no me wanna get prayed by kunk (skunk)”. Jared got home around 7:30pm. The boys were excited to see Daddy. Adam followed him in the hallway and said, "I (hi) Daddy". Jared and I ate a late dinner. The boys had fun playing with the tunnel this evening. They love when Daddy stands up with the tunnel around him and walks around. Jacob likes to stand in there with him. The boys raced from our bedroom door down the hallway. Jacob would count like to seven really fast and Adam would say something like, "da, la, de, doo" before running towards us. After the boys were in bed I gave Jared a haircut.


Anonymous said... really do live in the country. Where were you in the tall grass? Do you have a chicken fence or do you just leave the chickens run in the yard? Adam is getting thin. Those little legs have lost their chucky look. Adam's fly picture at the window really looks like JB. Another fun day. How do you get your kids to sleep in. I NEVER got that accomplished. 23 more days till we see you. Yahoo.

Brother Cassian said...

I read everything you wrote today, Kimmy. Yes, another full day. With a skunk on top of it all! I am glad that you were not sprayed -- and certainly Jacob understands what it would be like!

The Daddy said...

Did you give Jared the reverse mohowk cut?? with the stripe down the middle. Good thing Kate didn't find the skunk or I bet she would have been spending a few days out in the barn!

Anonymous said...

Remember...Tomatoes are supposed to fix skunk spray smell. I certainly don't know if it works and really don't want to find that out. So..if Kate gets skunked...plan on some big time tomatoe juice baths. Save the V8 for you. Better lay in some plain old juice and that may be all that it takes to keep the skunks away.

Anonymous said...

The tall grass is in front of the coop. The skunk was in the mowed section that leads to the coops door. The chickens free range during the day and we lock them up at night. We'll be fencing it in soon. The kids don't usually sleep in that late, but they are great sleepers. We are really looking forward to Copper Harbor. At the vet we often gave out a receipe for removing the skunk smell - though I can't quite remember it. I'm sure glad Kate stayed inside. She'd definately want to get close to the skunk.