Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Sunday, July 29, 2008


When Jared and I woke up around 7am Adam was standing in his playpen. He was chatting and full of smiles. I looked over at Grandpa and Jacob who were still sleeping. Jared left to take a shower and I brought Adam in bed with me. He loved looking out the window. Jacob woke up around 8am. We headed down to a gathering for a big breakfast. They had waffles, eggs, fried potatoes, sausage, fruit, and juice. When we got back to camp we got out the bubbles to play with. We then went to the beach until lunchtime. Around 1:30 we put the boys in the back of the car and went home to check on the animals. I started off driving but it really started raining hard. I didn’t want to drive the stick shift, on the dirt road, in the pouring rain. Jared and I switched places and got really wet doing so. Adam slept until we got home. Stopped at meijer to pick up a few things for Mom. Jacob fell asleep on the drive back to camp. When we got back it was around 4:30. I lay Jacob on the couch and he slept there until 6:30. While he was asleep I helped Mom prepare the dinner. Adam played with his toys. Jared and Dad cooked the aluminum foil dinners on the grill. After dinner Dad left for home. Jared, Kenzie, Jacob and I went putt putt golfing. Jacob loved golfing. He’d hit the ball at the start. Then he’d pick his ball up, set it close to the hole, and hit it in. Jared and I tied with a score of twenty-four. Kenzie got a score of thirty-two. We had so much fun. Got a light sprinkle of rain for a short time while we were playing. Mom and Grandpa played while we took the boys for a bike ride. Adam was so sleepy. I lay him down for bed before going out to sit around the campfire. We made smores.


Anonymous said...

More pictures...Yahoo. Yup...the older those two old brothers get the more they look alike. What is it? Was the water really warm. I would think not and there is Adam sitting in it almost up to his arm pits. Looks like he's having a blast. The sequence of him playing with sand first in the bucket, then on his hands and then on the camper is really cute. I imagine that he's saying...oops what did I do. The camper doesn't look the same. took the little car. Don't think that will work for C.H. Well, the dogs stayed home and you slept inside! Camping? I guess so. Just so the TV didn't get turned on. Please...don't tell me if it did! Send pictures. The little kids are so cute. Must be my grandsons.

Melissa said...

I was thinking the same thing that Adam and Jacob are really starting to look more alike. I even had a hard time telling which one it was in a few of the pictures until I enlarged them. Love the sand and water pictures.

Anonymous said...

Mel, when Grandma R says "old brothers" I thinks she means Eric and Jared:)

Melissa said...

Oh, I guess I didn't notice she said old brothers. But I still had a hard time telling which one of the boys it was in some of the pictures of Adam, especially the ones of him in a distance or taken from the side. And he is getting so tall.