Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Jacob came in our bed after Jared left for work this morning. It was chilly in our room with the windows open. Jacob said, "I want you a turn the heater on. I turned the mattress heater on for him. The boys and I slept in until 10am. After breakfast we listened to music and I sat on the couch to drink my coffee. Jacob climbed up next to me. Adam saw us and quickly ran to come sit by us. Jacob brought the water container over to me and said the dogs needed water. I filled it up and gave it back to him. He’s so careful about pouring the water in their dish. Jacob likes to kneel next to the couch and play with a handful of blocks, usually pretending their trucks. Adam saw him and quickly ran to grab a few blocks. He played with his blocks on the couch next to Jacob. Jacob built a house out of his blocks and it was cute to hear him tell me about his house. He told me where our beds were and showed me the doors on his house. Then he told me it was an old house and needed to be knocked down. One of his blocks became a tractor and he knock over the house. Then rebuilt it again. Adam ran to the back door and hit it saying, “bye bye, Papa”. After lunch we headed into town. First we stopped at the granary for chicken food. Then we went to the bank on our way to visit Daddy at the blood bank. It was busy in there so we didn’t stay long. Jacob didn’t want to leave without Daddy and said, "I want Daddy to come with us". We made a quick trip into Salvation Army. Then we went to Tim Horton. I got a coffee and the boys each got a Timbit. We went to Walmart for some last minute thing for the camping trip. As we were about to leave it started to downpour with really loud thunder. I decided to walk around the store until the rain let up some. Before we got into the car Jacob lifted his hands up and stuck out his tongue to catch some raindrops. Adam copied him. There were a couple things we needed from meijer so we stopped there also. Adam was a little fussy in there but it was past his naptime. Jacob fell asleep on the way home and stayed asleep as I lay him on the couch. Now Adam didn’t seem so sleepy anymore. I gave him a snack and a drink. Then I lay him down and he fell right to sleep. I cut up some more bananas to put on the dehydrator. I called and talked to Kenzie at Mom’s house. She said she was going to be packing for their camping trip tonight and also told me she posted on her blog. When Jacob woke up we got out his chalkboard to draw on. He loved me to draw tall buildings. Then he’d pretend the eraser was a tractor, knocking down the buildings. He also would draw fields by using the chalk sideways. He used the eraser to plow his field. I looked out the window and saw a turkey and her babies in the pasture. I took Jacob outside to show him and got some pictures. We picked some apples to feed to the horses. Then we went inside and woke Adam up so he could eat dinner with us. Jared didn’t get home from work until around 7:30. This evening I got the boys bags for warm clothes packed and loaded into the van. I can't seem to get my pictures to upload. I'll try again tomorrow.


Dust Bunny said...

If that youngster needs some heat come on down. My long hair is in the way down here. Maybe I'll come up to MI. I think it was again over 100 here today. Where is the cold 70 degree weather for us