Thursday, June 26, 2008

This morning Adam ran down the hallway after Daddy saying, “da (up or down), da” as he raised his arms to him. Daddy carried him out to the kitchen and gave him hugs goodbye. Adam reached for the fridge and said, “dee (drink), dee”. We watched as Daddy drove out the driveway and then he walked over to look at the fish. I lay him back in his crib and he quickly talked himself back to sleep. While the boys were asleep I got caught up with my writing in both their baby books. Jacob came down the hallway around 8:45 and wanted to cuddle. Then we went outside to let the chickens out of their coop. We knelt down to watch them as they ate grass around us. Adam was awake when we came in for breakfast. Jacob loves to wash his hands with the fish or bird bar of soap in the bathroom and always asked to do it after brushing his teeth. This morning Jacob rode on his ambulance(the dump truck) with his stuffed sheep in the bottom of it. He’d hand me the sheep and tell me, “him got hurt, on him ear (or foot, belly, mouth)”. He loved handing me things as we “doctored” the sheep. Then he’d put him back in the “ambulance” and drive back to the kitchen. We played this for a while and then we played “mechanics”. He’d drive the truck over to me, pop the hood, and have me look at the engine. He want me to add oil, or would have me fix the tires. Adam would come over and give me hugs. He leaned over too far in the toy box and got stuck over the side. Adam climbed on the toy box lid and Jacob pushed him around in the “boat”. Jacob sat at the counter and colored with markers and then we got out the paints. Adam colored with the crayons. After lunch Jacob wanted to play “doctor” again. It was a warm day outside (high 80’s). We put the AC on for the first time this summer. Adam took another 3hr nap this afternoon, waking up around 5pm. After dinner we went outside. I packed some things in the car while the boys played in the sand. Then we sat under the shade of the apple tree. I took the boys inside and Jared stayed out to mow the grass. I packed the boys bags for our camping trip this weekend. After they were in their pj’s, Jacob led a train down to the bathroom to brush teeth. Adam was in the middle of our train and said, “choo choo” with us as we walked down the hallway. Before going to bed Jacob wanted me to take him outside so he could get a ride on the tractor. We'll be coming back from our camping trip on Monday.


Brother Cassian said...

You are so lucky to be living in a world where so many ordinary things become extraordinary -- ambulances, trucks, boats all appear in your living room. These are great years, Kimmy and Jared!

Brother Cassian said...

By the way, when did Jacob's legs get to be so long?

Anonymous said...

Your right, these are GREAT years! I've been complaining to Jared that the years are going by way too fast!

Brother Cassian said...

You need to find a couple of twin girls to extend these great times.