Jacob really wanted Adam to wear his hat while eating breakfast this morning. The only way Adam would keep on the hat is if we distracted him with his cheerios. I love the way Adam is looking at Jacob is some of the above pictures. They sure do love each other. This morning we made paper chains to count down the days til Christmas. Mel gave me the idea - we used to do this as kids. I didn't have any construction paper so Jacob colored a paper green and I colored a one red. I cut them into strips and Jacob helped me glue it together. He had lots fun playing with it afterward. Then he asked if he could paint so I got out his easel and paint. He was very proud of his painting and we hung it on our refrigerator. I painted a rainbow which Jacob was convinced was thunder. Now Jacob likes to say, "I leave Mama". When I ask where he's going its usually "Nana's house" or "go in work". He said he was going in his brown car (stool). "See ya later" he said. Later when Jacob heard Adam waking from his nap he got really excited and ran into his bedroom. I love listening to them through the monitor. He kept saying, "hi Adam" in a really soft voice and then was playing peek-a-boo with him. He came and grabbed my hand to show me how he played peek-a-boo with him. Mom had told me she was going to make two more batches of cookies so I decided to make them for her and freeze them. We'll take them over there to decorate together. Jacob got to play with more flour but was done by the second batch. He went out to play blocks with Adam and Daddy. Jared leaves at 3:30am for work in IN.
Look at how clever Jacob is with his paints! Keeping his colors separate and making distinct lines -- no wooshing everything together into one muddy mess. Are you sure he is only 2? Have you made another switch in boys?
I love how Jacob and Adam are looking at each other in those pictures too. You can see they just adore each other. I like the pictures of Jacob painting too.
Jacob, You sure are a good little artist. I like the picture you made with all the colors. I love you so much. Love, Aunt Missy
Jacob, You sure are a good little artist. I like the picture you made with all the colors. I love you so much. Love, Aunt Missy
Oh man my little brother is coming to Indiana does that mean he's also bring COOKIES with him?? If he's in Kendleville thats only a 2 hour drive south....that shouldnt' be a problem to drive that far to drop off cookies since he wont be eating them (soap dispenser)
Now my favorite picture is Adam sitting in the high chair with a hat on backwards and his eyes turned way to the left! What is he thinking? Probably...get me out of here! How about a easel picture for a grandma R's Christmas present. One of Santa's elves might give Jacob a suggestion. Don't you love the word wooshing! It has such a good sound and says it all. Needs to be put into a story.
I love the picture of Jacob and Adam looking at each other too. I clicked on it a couple of times. You can just see in their eyes that they love each other. How precious. Also, how precious is a daughter that makes her mom Christmas cookies. You are such a big blessing to my heart. I love you Kimmy Kay!!!
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