Jacob woke up at 2:30am to go potty. He looked at me and said, "I gotta go bad". I took him back to his bedroom to tuck him in and he said, "tanks Mommy". At 7:30 he woke up and had to go potty again. He layed back down for another hour but I don't think he ever did fall asleep. We layed down in my bed for a few minutes until Adam woke up. When he heard Adam talking he ran down to his room to say hi. He asked if he could get in the crib with him. After breakfast Jacob asked if he could watch his tractor video. Adam crawled all over the room finding different toys and then he went into the kitchen and over to the blocks. He is 8 months old today and today has learned how to go from a crawling position to a sitting. Later this evening he figured out how to pull himself up to a standing position using the chair. Jacob was grumpy this morning so I lay him down for his nap about an hour earlier than usual. He fell asleep so quick. He likes laying under the tent over his bed. Adam woke up from his nap just before Jacob. When Jacob woke up he wanted to be held. I sat and held him in his bedroom and Adam crawled over to the bookshelf. He pulled a bunch of books onto the floor and seemed to thinks this was lots of fun. Jared came home while we were sitting in the bedroom and Jacob ran out to greet him. I grabbed the camera and snapped some pictures of Adam and the books. Jacob and Daddy played hide and seek together. Then they called me to come find them. Adam and I went to look for them and I could hear Jacob giggling. We went in the bedroom and they jumped up to scare us. Then Jacob wanted us all to go in the closet with him. All four of us were in the dark closet and then both dogs also wanted in. Jacob wanted us to lay down and pretend to be sleeping but there was no room to lay down.
The thought of the four of you, along with two dogs, in a closet is too much for me to take! What wonderful memories Jacob is going to have of his playful family. Since Adam is growing up knowing it is possible to do this sort of thing, I am wondering what NEW things he will dream up for his family to do with him.
Go, Adam, go!!
Pull yourself up! Start taking steps!!!
Go, Adam, go!
The thought of the four of you, along with two dogs, in a closet is too much for me to take! What wonderful memories Jacob is going to have of his playful family. Since Adam is growing up knowing it is possible to do this sort of thing, I am wondering what NEW things he will dream up for his family to do with him.
Wow, Adam is getting so big. I can't believe he is already 8 months old.
You are such a fun family. I am amazed at all the new things Adam is doing. Can he be that big already. Wonderful pictures, Kimmy. Love ya!
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