Thursday, June 07, 2007

This morning Jacob woke up when our alarm went off. I walked down the hall to check on him and he was peeking down the hallway. He grabbed his blanket and came down to lay in bed with me. Then he wanted to get up and go say hi Daddy. He had cheerios and toast for breakfast and then ate some of my pop tart. I got out his baby videos and worked on labeling them. He grabbed his bag of cars and played with them on his blanket. Adam woke up around 8am and was awake for a few hours. After lunch today I made Jacob and I an ice cream cone. While he's eating his he likes to say, "I lick" as he licks his. He usually doesn't like his cone but today he ate half of his cone. He's a very neat eater and when he got ice cream on his face he said, "Uh Oh" until I wiped it off. Then the paper towel was too wet on his face and he said, "its wet" and wanted me to dry his face. Last night for the first time Jacob asked if he could hold his brother. Adam cried most the time but Jacob didn't mind and wanted to still hold him.


Anonymous said...

and there are no pictures of Jacob holding his brother??

Anonymous said...

You are an awesome aunt and uncle. So thankful Kenzie has you in her life. You bring her so much happiness. I wish I would have had an aunt and uncle like you. Too bad grandma was an only child.
Sorry it didn't work out with Celeste. I will be praying hard for God to send another buyer that will love her like you do.