Monday, June 18, 2007

It was a hot 92 degrees outside today and a little windy. Jacob slept til 8:45am and was ready to eat when he woke up. He was saying, "I eat, I eat". After brushing his teeth he ran to our bedroom, where Adam was sleeping, saying "A-am" and rubbed his head. Adam woke up and Jacob smiled. The little guy is one month old today and has just started cooing. It a wonderful sound and I love hearing it. Yesterday Jared had wanted to get the lawn mowed and wasn't able to. So while Jacob and Adam were napping I went out to work on the lawn. I took the monitor with me so I could hear if the kids woke up. Adam didn't sleep for long before I had to go in. But whenever he'd take a short nap I'd go outside and get more done. I got most of the front yard done and some of the back yard before Jared came home. I also emptied Jacob's little pool so I could put in fresh water. While I was mowing the back yard I had to get off and move the hose wheel. When moving it I realized there was hornet nests on it so I threw it in a panacke and it landed in front of the steps to our house. The hornets were mad and flying all around in front of where I needed to get in. I mowed some more to let the calm down but that didn't happen. I ran through them to get inside and lay on the couch in case there were any on my back. I looked out the window and noticed the pool had blown down the driveway but I was not going through them hornets again. Jacob woke up shortly before Jared got home. Jared was looking at the mowed yard when he came home and didn't notice the pool at the end of our driveway until he ran over it. Luckely the pool didn't even crack. After dinner Jared went out to finish mowing. Later I took Jacob out to play and pushed Adam in the stroller. Jared sprayed the hornets nests around our house. It was getting a little cooler outside so I howed the garden. Jared helped Jacob fill up his bucket with rocks. Jacob kept bringing over some rocks for me to look at. When I'd make a big deal about the rocks Jacob would get a cute look of his face. Jared rocked Adam while I gave Jacob a bath. He had lots of sand in his hair and was very dirty. When I was taking him back to the bathroom he grabbed him bowl of animal crackers. I told him to put the bowl back and he could have one. He put the bowl back but grabbed all the crackers left in the bowl.


Brother Cassian said...

What a day you had, Kimmy! I hope Jason reads this one -- I don't think his Father's Day adventures included hornets!