Friday, June 08, 2007

After dinner yesterday, we went into town to walk around the mall. Jacob walked through just about the whole mall. Then we took him to play. He quickly became friends with a little boy who was 3 years old. Jacob kept asking the boy to lay on the play bed and go night night. They were running around a bumped heads. The boy was crying that he hurt his nose so I had Jacob tell him sorry. He did and the kid was happy again. This kid kept going up to Jared and kissing him, like on his back and knee. Jacob and he played very well together and it was fun just to watch them interact.
Today Jacob slept til 7:30 and loved his waffles for breakfast. Jacob was loving Adam today. He wanted me to set him next to him on the couch so he could read to him. Lately he loves to look at the pictures in his children's atlas and says, "I read". I went through more videos today and finally got them finished. Jacob was laying on the couch watching the video of his first camping trip when he asked to hold Adam. I lay Adam by him and he was quite content there. Jacob was touching his nose, chin, eyes, and head. Then he wanted to give him kisses. When I asked if he was ready for me to take him he said, "no, I ho hold". Both right now both boys are asleep and we just got back inside from loading Celeste (our draft horse) onto a trailer to move to a new home. Nutmeg is whinnying in the pasture.


Brother Cassian said...

Oh, my, just when I thought your sons couldn't get any cuter, you prove me wrong! The two of them together are just too much! Make sure you keep these handy so you can pull them out when they are at each others' throats ("He's messin' with my stuff!" "No, I wasn't!" "Yes, you WERE!") and remind yourselves that they DID get along.

In the fourth picture (the second one in color) Jacob reminds me of his grandfather. Is it the eyelashes?