Thursday, June 28, 2007

After getting the boys ready this morning I headed over to my Mom's house to spend the day with her and Kenzie. We went to my Grandpa's house for a couple hours to spend some time with him. Jacob loves Grandpa. Grandpa calls him his "sleeping buddy". He and my Grandpa used to sleep in the car while waiting for my Grandma to get done with her appointments. Jacob is always talking to him (even though he can't hear well) and sharing his m&ms (which Grandma always kept in the candy jar) with him. I took Jacob's little blow up pool over there so Grandpa could sit on the porch and watch the kids playing in the water. Jacob had more fun scooping the water from the pool into a pail I set next to it. The water was really warm and Kenzie had me dump a couple buckets over her head. Adam slept most of the visit. This evening we took Mykenzie and the boys to a Bible camp carnival. Kenzie's parents were both working so we got to take her. It was alot of fun - she had 60 tickets to use. She got her nails and face painted and played lots of games. She also shared some of her tickets with Jacob. He had a blast jumping around and it seems his "wild side" came out. He was acting really silly in that jumping thing and had so much fun. Just a blast to watch. Kenzie and Uncle Jared went through an obsticle course and had a race to the end. Just before leaving Kenzie climbed a wall and made it all the way to the top (pictured on her blog).