Monday, June 11, 2007

Jacob slept in until 9:45 this morning. He did wake up during the night crying and I went in and lay with him. He wanted me to hold him close and when I'd let go he'd ask me to hold him. I set Adam in his swing when I went to get Jacob. Jacob ran out of his room holding his blanket and his Berry and said hi to Adam. He then covered Adam with his blanket. He also set Berry on Adam's shoulder, but he didn't stay there for long. After breakfast he got his cars and tractors out and played with them on his blankey as he does every morning. Adam enjoyed laying under his toys and Jacob ran over to cover him up. Then he crawled in next to him and said, "night, night". After lunch Jacob wanted to feed Truman. I let him take a little scoop of food to his dish. Jacob then took Truman's collar and said, "Come, eat" while leading him over to his dish. He then asked to give him some water. I filled up the container and let Jacob help me pour it in. We took Truman outside and then he came in for a drink - that made Jacob happy. Right now both boys are napping and I just got inside from pulling weeds around the flowers.