After lunch today I took the kids shopping for a fathers day gift. We went in a few stores and walked the entire mall and yet came home with nothing. I couldn't find what I was looking for so we will have to look tomorrow. Adam slept the whole time. He likes his carseat much better than Jacob did. I took the double stroller and Jacob had fun sitting or standing in back. Jacob was fast asleep in the car before we left the parking lot. This evening I took Jacob outside to play. He was so excited to go outside he said, "Daddy, Daddy, outside" while pointing at the door. Jared stayed inside and rocked Adam. Outside I watered the garden and watched Jacob play. He was trying really hard to take scoops of sand over to dump in the back of his truck. He'd look up at me and say, "I got it, I got it" and then it would spill. He was walking so slow and being so careful. I showed him to hold the other end with his other hand and then he had more control of the shovel. He put the sand in the back of the truck and said, "I dump" with a big smile.
Now it seems that Jared is always napping. What gives?
Kimmy, I think you have already given Jared his gift for Father's Day this year . . . Adam.
If you had a two year old boy and a 1 month old boy you'd be napping also.
So that's my excuse, what's yours? :)
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