Sunday, July 01, 2007

Pictures from the Chippewa Nature Center

This evening we went for a hike at the Chippewa Nature Center. We took a loop trail that was 1.7 miles. It was such a beautiful hike and we had lots of fun. Much of the hike we walked next to water and listened to the frogs. Jacob thought the noises came from behind us and he'd turn around quick, point behind us, and say, "Ribett". Walking through the wood he found a nice stick that he carried for awhile. He would stop, hit the ground, and say "a bug, I got it". In the woods we saw a beautiful orange flower (pictured above) - we had never seen this kind of flower before but it was really pretty. Jacob started collecting rocks and putting them in his pockets. When we took a short break at the bench, he emptied his pocket and showed Daddy his collection. He put them back in his pocket and we continued walking. Jacob kept going over to the stroller saying, "A-am" then he want to rub his head and give him a kiss. We had walked over a mile before Jacob asked to ride in the stroller. Our single stroller was used as a double and it worked quite well. Jacob loved riding on the front and had a cute grin on his face. Jared and I saw what we think was a bunnie hop from the trail into the woods. The only thing was this bunnie was enormous - I mean HUGE. We both wanted to get another look but the thing was gone. I would have though I was seeing thing but Jared saw it also. When we got close to our car Jacob started saying, "No bye bye, No bye bye". When we got home we all had some ice cream. Jacob was excited because it we green. He kept saying, "Mama it goood" and he would tell me it was green.


Anonymous said...

Green ice cream??..I think it might be time to clean out the freezer!

Anonymous said...

:) No not that kind of green - mint choc chip kind of green (my favorite). Kimmy

Anonymous said...

You blog made me laugh outloud. What fun. I loved the nana story. The walk through the woods was wonderful. Collecting rocks is a Russell trait streight from his grandpa. I can see that Jacob will be a great camper this summer. Hard to wait for another few weeks. I really am anticipating the moments of conversation with the little guy. I'm also happy to hear the the green icecream was chocolate chip variety. We'll need to have more at the icecream shop. Lela/MOM

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am also finding it hard to wait another few weeks til our annual camping trip. I can't wait til Jacob sees "Pebble Beach". My favorite UP ice cream is that blue Playdough, though I did have their mint choc chip a couple times and it was also very good.

Anonymous said...

Jacob wont know what to do with all those rocks at the beach!