Monday, July 16, 2007

Adam slept in his room again last night. Daddy lay him in his crib around 10:30 pm and he didn't wake me til 5am. After being nursed he fell asleep and is sleeping as I type this.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the video's. What a great way to share your little kidos with their grandparents. How about a picture of the trailer on the blog. Sounds like Adam is growing up with sleeping in his big bed. That's a big step. See you REAL soon. Lela/Mom/Grandma R.

Brother Cassian said...

Rats! I read Lela's comment and looked through your last posts to find the videos you posted -- and then I realized that she must be referring to birthday gifts that you sent her. Did you make a DVD? I have a DVD player with my MacBook . . .

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how to post a video. I sent her the videos through her email. Kimmy

Anonymous said...

Am I seeing things correctly. Looks like Adam is getting packed in a suitcase. Reminds me of Moses in his basket. Now that is a new way to move the kid to the campgrounds.

Brother Cassian said...

I have e-mail.

Jared knows my address.