Wednesday, July 04, 2007

We got on the road to the fireworks at ~6:30pm - which was 1 1/2 hrs later than we had planned. The weather was perfect. When we got there we tried to get pictures of all five Grandkids together - it can be a challenge to get them all to look in the same direction at once. After that was done, Hailey asked her mom if she could take Adam because he was kinda heavy. The kids dance to the music that had playing and waved their American flags around. The sun was shinning bright and Jacob doesn't like it in his eyes so he decided he wanted to sit in the back of Mel's double stroller. Lately in the car he has us prop up a blanket in the window to keep the sun off of him. He says "Mama light". If the blanket falls down he will just put it over his head. We do have the shades for the windows but he seems to like his blanket and has fun with that. He stayed in that stroller for quite a while. When he did finally get out, he and Hailey played with bubbles. We watched the skydivers jump out of the airplanes. When Jacob sees or hear an airplane he covers his head and says, "Bareplane". Several months back, he and Papa saw a low flying airplane doing loops in my parents backyard. That plane was flying so low that the pilot waved at them and Papa had Jacob cover his head. Jared bought the girls and Jacob all glow necklaces. When the fireworks started Jacob wanted to sit with Papa. Then he came and sat on my lap and wanted me to hold him tight. He loved the fireworks and would shout out the different colors. We got rained on by ashes and stayed lite and landed on the guy in front of us. Adam slept through the entire fireworks display and did not wake up til about 5am.