Sunday, July 01, 2007

Yesterday we went out for donuts and then walked around the mall. We took Jacob to play and Daddy tucked a blanket in the neck of his shirt. He did laps around the room. He is getting really good at climbing. He can easily climb up to the top of the grapes and onto the bed. He has also learned how to climb to the top of the car. He likes to sit in the wheels of the car where the kids can crawl through. While he was sitting in there a little boy wanted to come in also. Jacob pushed him twice before I could get over to him and correct him. During Jacob's nap today he fell out of his bed twice. He hasn't done that since his first nights in his toddler bed. He also fell out once during the night. I heard him fall out during the night and I went into him because he was crying. He was sitting on the floor and I guided him back into bed. He wanted to hold one of his books and quickly fell back to sleep. Jacob loves bananas. He was saying, "Nana, nana" and I thought he wanted my mom (thats what he calls her). He clarified it for me by pointing at the bananas saying, "yellow, nana". Today at church I took Jacob back to sunday school. He always walks up to the front row and has to sit in a yellow chair. He looks at me in his seat and smiles as I leave. When we got home from church Jacob got out of his seat and walked towards the house. He stopped to look at a hornets nest on the hose wheel I had thrown a couple weeks ago. Jared told me not to worry, that all the hornets were dead and he banged the thing on the ground. Out came four live hornet and they were none to happy. In the second to last picture Jacob wanted me to take a picture of Barry, his favorite stuffed animal. Now he is laying bed to take his nap. He is giggling, singing, and talking alot.


Brother Cassian said...

I always enjoy reading all the news and seeing the pictures. You ended with a lovely quiet picture of Mama and the boys -- very nice.

So, Jared, "all the hornets are dead"? Be careful, Jacob! Always think twice about what your father says!

Anonymous said...

Thanks:) Kimmy