Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Tuesday, July 3rd:
This morning Jacob wanted to go out to his air matress and tuck Barry in there. He lay down next to him and said they were going night night. I spent alot of the morning packing things up for the fireworks family outing tonight. Jacob took scoops of food to the dogs dishes and was happy when Truman ate it up. Then he asked if he could give them some water. I filled up the container and he carried it over to their dishes and dumped it in. Of course only have of the water stayed in the dish:) Jacob kept walking Truman over to his dish by pulling his collar and telling him to drink. He was so disappointed that Truman didn't want to drink. I helped him coax Truman to drink and he finally did. That made Jacob smile. My sister Vikki called and I was walking around talking to her when I noticed Jacob was being really quiet. I walked over to find him wetting his hair with the dogs water. I told him to wait there while I got my camera and thats the second picture you see. I cleaned the car and got it packed. I met Melissa at moms house and we decided it was time to give Max a "big boy" haircut. I got out my scissors and we took him to out on the deck. He cried the whole time, but I think did pretty well his age. He sat on a stool and hung onto my shirt the whole time unless he was trying to push my hand away. Melissa gave him a quick shower when he was done and he settled down in Papa's arms after that. We took the kids out to the swings and they enjoyed that. When we got inside they all ate snacks and then lay down for naps. I told Melissa that, while I had my clippers there, she should go get her dog and I would trim him also. She went out to her van to see how my gas was in her tank and locked her keys in there. I took her to her house to get the dog and their spair set of keys. We stopped at Grandpa's house to pickup my moms purse that she had left there earlier. I also stopped at meijer to take back something for my mom and pick up a few thing for tonight. Back at moms, Melissa held Champ while I gave him a haircut. It seemed like I got another little dog off of him there was so much hair. It was a quick job because it was getting close to leaving time. Jared was down in the basement playing Dad in pingpong when we got back.