Thursday, July 12, 2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Jacob loves brushing his teeth on the stool that his Daddy made him. This morning I was cutting up more bananas for the dehydrator when Jacob ran over to me with his hand out saying, "Uh Oh". He had something brown all over it. As I wondered what he had gotten into, he said, "I poop" - there I had my answer. We got out his crayons and I sat with him as he colored. He wanted me to draw things on his paper so I drew a sun, star, heart, and then a fish. After that all he wanted me to draw were fish. He kept handing me different crayons while smacking his lips for me to draw another fish.


Anonymous said...

kimmy it could have been much much much much worse then just on a hand!!

Anonymous said...

It sure could be - just ask my Dad. Mom was gone and Vikki and I were suppose to be napping. He came up to our room to check on us and found the walls painted and us covered head to toe. We also loved to shred our diapers into tiny pieces and it looked like snow. I don't remember but I have heard this story hundreds of times and Dad wont ever let us forget. Kimmy