Thursday, July 12, 2007

Me and the boys left the house around 8:30am on ~1 1/2 hr drive to visit my parent, Grandpa, and sisters family in Cadillac. They are camping at a campground we grew up camping at. I have many great memories there and was excited to take the boys. The weather was great - cold in the shade and warm in the sun. I loved walking around the park and by the channel. Jacob loved walking under the bridge which took us over to the beach. When we got back to the campsite Jacob wanted to ride Hailey's tricycle. He put on her purple helmet and hopped on her pink/purple bike. He doesn't use the peddles, but can push that thing so fast using he feet. At times he was hard to keep up with walking. We went over to the dock where Kenzie was fishing. She had caught a fish and put it in a bucket to show the kids. Jacob stuck his had in the bucket and the fish jumped up - he thought that was funny and told everyone about it - He smacked his lips and said, "jump, water". Papa took Hailey and then Jacob for a ride around the camp in his truck. In the evening, while Jacob was napping, I took Kenzie and Adam with me so Kenzie fished off the channel. Nana and Hailey came to join us and we decided to walk over and fish off the dock. Kenzie caught a fish and ran with the pole and bucket to get water for the fish. She fell and broke the end of the pole which made her sad. Hailey went fishing for her first time and caught a small fish. The hook was caught way back and they had to work to get the hook out - the fish didn't make it. After dinner we took the boys for a ride in the canoe. They sat in the middle, Me and the dog in front, and Bruce in back. A couple of time Jacob leaned over to look in the water making me a little nervous of tipping, but Bruce garanteed we wouldn't tip. I think I had almost as much fun as the kids. We got back and Jacob rode the tricycle some more then we took the kids to play in the sand at the beach. Mom stayed back at camp with Adam. Just before it got dark, I took Jacob for one last ride around camp and then we said goodbyes to Mel and her family. Grandpa, Mom, Jacob and I sat around the fire. Dad and Adam stayed in the camper where Adam was sleeping. Jacob sat on Nana's lap and pointed at himself saying, "Me yellow" (color of his lifejacket) "boat water". We were on the road for home shortly after 11pm. Jacob was talking alot at first telling me about the blue boat and asking about Daddy. Then he was fast asleep til we got home.