Saturday, September 16, 2006

This morning we woke up and Kenzie was already awake with Truman. Jacob was awake too so Kenzie and I went in his room to get him up. He lay down on the floor in front of me so I could change his diaper. He always does a circle and ends up with his head in between my legs and I have to turn him around. We had cheerios for breakfast. Jacob was happy to see Kenzie was at the table. We had to be at Mom's at 9am and it was very foagy out this morning. On our way we took a part back to TSC for exchange. Made it to Mom's at 8:40am. We waited til Vikki got there to pick up Kenzie and then we got in Mom and Dad's car. Jacob, Jared and I in the back seat. We were headed north about 2 1/2 hrs to a suprise party for my Aunt and Uncle's 35 wedding anniversary. My Dad was the best man in his wedding. We arrived at 11:30. Jacob was getting cranky towards the end of the trip and finally fell asleep about 10 minutes before we got there and had to wake him. The party was at my cousins house. She had two sets of twins under 4 years old. We had a lot of fun at the party. Jacob played on the kids playset and in the sandbox with Hailey. He loved to play with the steering wheel and walk across the bridge. Nana took him over to the slide and helped him climb up. Then he wanted to back down it on his belly. He was in a good mood regardless of how tired he was and I was thankful for that. It was hot outside in the sun. We had a really good lunch. Jacob sat at the table in his seat from his Grandma R. My cousin let us set the playpen up in one of their bedrooms and Max took a nap in there. On our way home I noticed we didn't have Jacob's green blankey. One of the twins had took it and then I forgot about it. We called Melissa on her cell cause they had left after us. She said the had it with them. We had a wonderful ride with my parents on the trip there and back. Jacob fell asleep quick and I took a little nap too. I woke up when they mentioned ice cream cones. I started reading the book I had started reading last weekend. Jared read and finished it on the trip there. I finished it on the way back. The book is called G.I. Joe and Lillie and its an excellent book. We stopped for ice cream and Jacob had just woke up. He got his own ice cream cone and sat on the picnic table to eat it. A group of motorcycles drove by and Jacob liked that. On our way home we stopped by our house I lived in from about 2 - 10 years old. I have many wonderful memories there. The house if for sale and no one lives there. We walked around and looked in the windows. This was so much fun for me. When we got back to their place Jacob walked up and down the driveway with his toy bus. Then we went inside and he ran to the fridge and held the door cause he wanted a drink. Stopped at meijer and home depot on the way home. At home Jacob had dinner and Jared went outside to work on the tractor. Vikki called and Jacob loved listening to her talk on the phone. He smiled and handed it back to me. A little later he wanted to talk to her again. I got Jacob ready for bed and lay him in his crib. He was not happy with the replacement blankey and threw it out of the crib. I hugged him and told him goodnight and left the room. He cried some but fell asleep quickly. I went back in the room to cover him up and he looked up and smiled. I heard Jared outside riding around on the tractor and I went outside too. I went back in and he came in shortly after me.