Tuesday: Today was Jared's first day back to work since Adam's birth. For the past ~1wk Adam has been going to bed around 10:15. He sleeps til ~2:30am and then wakes back up at 6:30 to eat. He then sleeps til Jacob is up, has had breakfast, and has gotten ready for the day.
It was cool out this morning so I put Adam in the carrier and took Jacob outside to play. He loves to play with his tractors in the sand. I got out his bike and he rode it in the driveway. He can't use the peddles but he can push it along with his feet. If I try and give him a push on the bike, he looks at me and says, "I got it". We were out for about an hour and then bugs started to bite. I'm not sure what kinds of bugs these were but Jacob had two bites on him and Adam had been bitten three times. Jacob fell asleep for his nap really quickly today and slept til shortly before Jared came home. We went to town to make a couple quick stops. I needed paper and ink to print off my many pictures. When we got home it was time for dinner. After dinner we went outside so Jacob could play and Jared watered the garden.
Wednesday: My pictures printed through the night. I got up to add paper a couple times. This morning while both boys were asleep I wrote on the back of the pictures. Jacob slept til ~8am. This morning I gave him a haircut - which he did not like much. When the hair would drop on his are or the chair, he'd look at me and say, "Uh Oh". Its a hot day today. Jacob looked out the window and said, "bike". We went outside until it was time for lunch. Jacob sat in his chair with his shirt off and the fan on. We watched his tractor video. Right now both kids are sleeping. Jared just called to say he was coming home only to leave right away with the truck - he got a pingpong table from a guy at work.