At Mel's this morning I stacked up some blocks while Jacob had fun knocking them down. I gave him a hug and kiss goodbye and he followed me to the door to wave bye bye. After a long day at work I went back to Mel's to pick him up. The front door was locked. I knocked several times and rang the doorbell. Usually the door is unlocked when I get there. I walked to the back door, it was locked so I knocked. I went back to the front door and knocked again. I decided to go to my car and call when the door opened up. She didn't hear me get there. Jacob stood up and came over quickly for some huggs and kisses. Hailey wanted me to come and see what she made with her playdo. I gave Jacob some baby fishies for a snack on the way home with his drink. When we got home it was time to make some dinner. Jacob ate very good. He was goofing around and biting the spoon and holding it there for a little bit. He was laughing out loud when I'd stick the spoon in and out so fast he couldn't bite down and hold. Then I'd let him get it a few times too - he thought it was very funny. Jared and I were laughing too. I put long pants on Jacob and we went outside. Jacob was looking at all the flowers and toughing them. I picked one off for him to hold. He saw the tractor out and walked over to me to help him up onto it. He pretended to drive making sure to touch every knob and then hang onto the wheel. Daddy climbed behind him and started it up. They drove it into the barn and Daddy climbed off. Jacob wanted to sit on the tractor for a little longer. He pointed at the hen and said "Dit Din" then he pointed back at the rooster and said, "Dit Din". Then you pointed up in the barn at the birdies and said, "Dee". Jared worked on connecting the hose adaptors he got yesterday. We went into town to get diapers and lunch meat. Walked around Walmart for a while looking at garden things. I gave Jacob a stuffed chicken and he got excited and hugged it. We told it bye bye when when it was time to leave. Jacob was smiling when Daddy made the car shake bye pressing and releasing the break. At home he rode his little tractor around and I pushed him up and down the driveway once. Mosquitos were bad so we went inside. Jacob had his bath and we brushed his teeth.
He gave me big hugs while wrapped in his towel. Got him dressed for bed and took him to say night, night to Daddy. Daddy had done all the dishes - what a guy! He is such a big help and I am so thankful for him. I set Jacob in his crib and he stood up with his arms lifted. I bent over and he gave me a long hug. I told him how much I loved him and said night, night. He sat down and smiled. I shut off the light. I heard him chating for about 20 minutes or so.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Posted by One of us at 10:36 PM
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2 comments: need to work with jacob on blowing out the lights when its bed time.
Yep, we've been blowing out the lights at night for awhile. Jared has taught me right:)
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