This morning Jacob didn't even want to get out of his crib. He was happy to see his bumper with the animals back in his crib. We kept holding our hands out and he didn't want up. He would just smile. After work I went and picked up Jacob from Mel's. Jacob was excited when I got there and ran up to me. Jared called and told me the truck wouldn't start. I remembered that yesterday I let Jacob play with the stearing wheel and he was turning the lever for the lights. He must have turned them on and the batery died. Jared got it charged up and went to help a guy from his work move some furniture. We stopped
at the grocery store on our way home and then went to the pet store to find a draft halter for Celeste. We are picking up an amish man and bringing him back to our place so he can trim our horses hooves. Celeste's nice leather halter was lost in a pasture. When we got home Jared was still gone. Jacob had his dinner and then we went outside til Jared got home ~8:30. I waited and had a late dinner with Jared. I asked Jacob if he was ready for his bath. He headed down the hall and waited for me by the bathroom. I noticed his eczema is looking worse today. Were going to make him an appointment to see the Dr.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Posted by One of us at 10:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Jacob likes to walk around with his shirt in his mouth. He will walk all over the house like this. This morning we went outside and he played on his truck while I worked on weeding the garden and turned over the weeds that have overrun our irises by the barn. Jacob played on his tricycle and I was going to help him on his fort/slide but ran with him when I saw the yellow jacket buzzing around it. We went inside and played around for a while. Then we went to the post office to pick up the bumper pads and bed skirt that Grandma Lela hemmed for him. She also had in the box a really nice bib. She makes the best bibs ever!!! As soon as we got home I put the skirt and pads back on his crib. Looks great! After I was done I lay on the floor in his room. Jacob came over and plopped on me - laughing, he would get up, walk a little ways and run back towards me. Well thats all I'll write today - its late and I'm very tired.
Posted by One of us at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Jacob stood there at the door as I waved goodbye and backed out the driveway this morning like he usually does when I leave Mel's. This morning I noticed that when I got backed onto the road he started to shut the door himself which Melissa usually does. He is becoming a little boy who can do things on his own. After work Melissa told me that as she was feeding Max today and Jacob reached up and grabbed his banana baby food. It spilled all over him - in his hair and on his feet. She said he had so much fun playing in it she let him before changing his clothes. We decided to go out to dinner at Fazolies. Jacob likes the turkey sandwich I get and share with him. We went to the mall and walked around and then I went into Salvation army real quick. I got Jacob out and set him up front with Daddy. He loves to turn the stearing wheel and pretend he's driving. After that Jared dropped me off to run in for milk at a grocery store. When I came out Jared said he called the cops on some guys driving crazy through the parking lot. They were squeeling through the stop sign and put it reverse and squeeled backwards. They were doing fishtails and donuts. The cops were already there when I came out. Jared went and talked to them and they said the guy would get 6 points on his liscence. When we got home Jacob was asleep and I lay down on the couch and just held him and cuddeled with him. He is such a good little boy - we are truly blessed.
Posted by One of us at 10:17 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I got out of work today shortly after 12pm. When I got to Melissa's Jacob, Hailey, and Max were eating lunch. I helped Jacob eat while Melissa finished feeding Max. Hailey's told me that she and Jacob played Hide-and-go-seek today. She said she hid in the bedroom and Jacob came and found her. Jared called me at Melissa's and Mel got to tease him about talking to me like he usually dose to her.
We are going to go look at new cars. Right now they are 0% financing for 72 months. We test drove the Vibe and put the carseat in the back. We really like it. We drove it to the mall where my Mom meet us. She is going to walk around with Jacob. We also went over and looked at a couple other different cars. Mom said Jacob slept most of the time. When we got home we hung outside for awhile and checked on the animals. Jacob played on his truck and I picked some weeds in the gardan. When we went inside for dinner Jacob threw a little fit. He'd spend all his time outside if it were up to him. I don't know who got him a toy hammer for his birthday (Jared and I??) but he sure likes to bang on things with it. Jacob tried to use Truman as a stool to climb up on the couch. Truman just lay there like it was no big deal. Right now he is banging on the door next to me as I type. He als0 enjoys opening and closing doors. Now he is over by me admiring my bead bracelet. He is saying, "Dee" (pretty) as he turns the bracelet around my wrist. Well he wants to type for me so Daddy is taking him out to read a bedtime story (His favorite "Old black fly"). Today I said, Jacob do you want to read "Old black fly"? He turned around and went to get me that book. He knew right where it was kept and brought it back over to me. In the picture above Daddy is giving Jacob a fun ride on his legs. Jacob was giggeling. Jacob would come over to Daddy and sit down right on Daddy's feet wanting him to do it again.
Jared here, CRAZY WEATHER TUESDAY. It was cloudy with a little sunshine when we got home from our day of car shopping. We were in the house and Kimmy mentioned that it was getting really windy out and wondering if it was going to rain. "Naaaaaa" I said, but that didn't stop me from rolling up car windows...and of course on my way back into the house large drops of rain begain to fall. After a few minutes I peaked back outside and there appeared to be one dark gloomy cloud over head that was picking up it's pace of droping it's rain. Well I sat back down on the couch, and the storm really picked up pace and it became quite loud all of a sudden and Kimmy asked " is it hailing" ... "Naaaaaa" I replied...upon looking outside it appeared to be hailing quite a bit....marble size hail at first, it was bouncing off the barn roof like crazy, I'm sure it sounded quite cool. Well the hail let up for a few minutes than began again only a little smaller pea size hail...and this continued off and on for 5 to 10 minutes. Duing the large and small hail we looked out into the pasture and there the horses were, not safe and sound in the barn, but out in the middle of the pasture getting hailed apon with hail. Probably too loud in the barn...I bet the old rooster just about went nuts with all that noise. Ok that's all for another crazy weather Tuesday.
Posted by One of us at 8:59 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 26, 2006
Here is a couple pictures from yesterday of my Dad on the Tricycle motorcycle and Uncle Rody and Jacob.
This morning instead of carrying Jacob into Mel's I let him walk while I carried the carseat. He is such a big boy he steped up a little (~3 in) step before her door. Mom called and said she was at Mel's watching Hailey and Jacob because Melissa had to take Max to the doctors cause he woke up wheezing. Mom also said that Grandma's WBC count was down and they weren't going to be able to do chemo this week. We need to pray that he WBC count goes up. I picked Jacob up at Nana's house. Kenzie was there and she gave me a big hug. When we got home I worked on hoeing a couple rows in the garden and Daddy played with Jacob. They were over by the flowers and then came over by me. Jared had put some flower petals in the bed of his truck and he would turn around to look at them. He kept saying "Dee" and would point towards the flowers or hold one of the petals up. I think he is saying pretty. While am typing he keeps running down the hall talking to me he stops to give me a hug. I asked him if he wants a drink and he starts running towards the kitchen.
Posted by One of us at 9:41 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Note from Kenzie to Jacob
Kenzie made this for Jacob. The paper has a flap up house on it and underneath it has two chick sticker that are soft . I though it was cute so I scanned it in for you to see. She also made Hailey something. Kenzie is very artistic and alway so thoughtful. I love that little girl lots!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aunt Kimmy
Posted by One of us at 11:29 PM 0 comments
We listened to Jacob chattering on this morning in his crib. We still keep the monitor in our room cause its hard to hear him down the hall without it. So I keep it low and you can only hear him when he talks or cries. I love his huggs in the morning. He snuggles right in and even tucks his arms in right close to his sides. He wiggles his body back and forth and lays his head on me. This morning after his oatmeal breakfast he wanted some of my cheerios. I poured him a little bowl of cheerios and milk of his own and he ate all that up too. Daddy still isn't back to himself. Jared went outside for something and Jacob wanted to go out too. I was by the hallway folding the blanket on the chair and Jacob walked over to me with a shoe in his hand. He handed it up to me, made a little noise, and walked towards the door expecting me to follow. I set him on the bench and put on his shoes and we went outside to check on the animals. He went to sit in his truck and then he and I went to check on the goats while Daddy watered the chickens. We pet Celeste on her nose and then Jacob wanted to go over by the tractor. Stopped at a garage sale and I got Jacob a life jacket for $2. We went to the store to look at coolers for our trip to the UP and had to get some patches for Jacob's Jeep stroller. We let Kenzie sit while we were walking up and down the streets at garage sales. They are not built for 8 year olds. We went to my parents church picnic today. We had a nice lunch and both my sister's and their families were there. Max loves watermelon. After eating Jacob headed right over to the motorcycles. Alot of the people road their motorcycles to church and they all parked in together. My Dad road around a motorcycle tricycle and all the kids wanted turns riding. Dad says he is going to buy it. Jacob loves his Aunt Vikki and wanted her to hold him. We hung out by the motorcycles for awhile and talked. Jacob is so sleepy. We took him over to the swingset and he and Hailey swang on the double swing together. Hailey was so excited she was giggeling and would put her arms around Jacob talking to him. She would say things like, "Are you having fun Jacob", "Do you want to swing Jacob". She acts like a big sister. I though Jacob was going to fall asleep swinging. He and Hailey went over to the tunnel and the climbed on the slide. On our way home we stopped at Payless so I could get some flip flops that were on sale for $4 - what a deal. Vikki had the same pair and I thought they were cute. We also stopped at Walmart. When we got home we lay Jacob in his crib for an overdue nap. While he was sleeping I worked on his stroller. I sewed up the back and then ironed on the patches. I had to unscrew the stroller and take it apart to get to the area where it was ripped. When it was time to put it back together I couldn't remember how it went. Jared said, "Are you kidding". I said, "Yes" but I really couldn't remember - it was so easy to take apart. He helped me and we got it back together. Then I took Jacob's life jacket we had picked up today and worked on that. I cut out, from the leftover patch, Jacob's initials - JWDR and ironed them onto his life jacket. It had an ugly worn out badge and I color over it with perm marker and ironed on the letters. Jacob woke up and we went outside. I pushed him in his truck over to Daddy. Daddy gave him a couple of rocks to play with. He would throw them down and then pick them up. He went to put one in his mouth and Jared and I both said "No" at the same time. Jacob jumped and then we all smiled. Jacob was sitting on his wooden rocker and I said, "Jacob are you ready to take a bath". He quickly got out of his chair and headed down the hallway towards the bathroom. I said lets brush your teeth and he went over to the sink and lifted his hand up. He loves to brush his teeth.
Posted by One of us at 10:15 PM 3 comments
Saturday, June 24, 2006
This morning Jacob liked his adult oatmeal lots. He finished the whole bowl. We drove into town to get Jared some more Sprite and me my cappicino. There was a garage sale down the road from us that I wanted to stop at on the way. I found Jacob a nice pair of water shoes for .25 cents to take with us to Copper Harbor. I drove cause Jared still isn't feeling well but he said he'd ride along with us. I stopped at a garage sale on the way home. I told Jared that they had a nice hard shell Sears roof top carrier that he sould go look at. The guy was asking $20 so we went home, got the truck and went back to get it. It will be nice for our trip to Copper Harbor. I washed it and we put Jacob's stroller and our camp kitchen in it to see how things fit. We still had lots more room. It has much more room than our soft shell carrier. I am so excited for the trip I want to pack already - but I have to wait. Jacob had lunch and took a nap. Today is Bubba's (Jeanne and Leonard's son) graduation party. At the party Jeanne gave Jacob his birthday gift. He got two stuffed horses, a cool John Deer tractor with farm animals, and some socks. He loved horses until he saw the tractor. Then he wanted me to get it out of that box so he could play with it. It was a beautiful day. Jacob played on the little boy Dillin's (6yrs old) race bike. Dillin was pretending that Jacob was in a race and he would pretend he was changing the tires on pit road. He'd go around the car as fast as he could pretending to change all the tires. Jacob loved watching him run around. Mom called me and told me that my Dad was mowing the lawn across the road by their mailbox. He got the riding lawnmower to close to the ditch and the tractor rolled over into it with my Dad on it. She said she was driving home when she saw someone pulling a tractor out of the ditch with their truck. She thought, "How silly to mow their" before she even knew it was Dad. My Dad's had a rough week first with the motorcycle and now this. He's doing just fine though. We thank God he is ok. Got out the finger paint to let Jacob do a little artwork - He needed a little help from Mommy though. Then he rubbed his face with his green hand. He saw Kate go in the corner behind the glider rocker and now he likes to hang out there. I looked back and he was just sitting there in the corner smiling. Daddy got out his toy. Right now he loves anything with a stearing wheel or tires. He loves his stuffed animals too - especially Berry. I got out his plastic mat and he was running around in circles as I sang ring-a-round the rosie then he'd fall down at the end. He also crawled around in a circle as I sang it. Our silly little cutie.
Posted by One of us at 10:13 PM 3 comments
Friday, June 23, 2006
Jared is still sicl and stayed home from work today. Jacob is going to stay with Nana. Jacob woke up before going in to his room this morning. I went in and he was very happy to see me. Put ointment on his eczema and got him dressed. Jacob ate adult oatmeal instead of baby this morning for the first time. He wasn't sure if he liked the texture in this but he ate over half of it. I was running late this morning I almost left without Jacob's blankey and his "Berry". He sleeps much better for his naps with those two items. When I got to my Mom's I carried Jacob in and noticed a stinky smell. Guess what?? Yes, a major job in his diaper and on my hand and arm. I changed him and put on a new outfit. Got the carseat in my Mom's car all ready for her to go. I said to Jacob, "Where's Jacob", he put one hand over one eye and the other hand above his other eye so he could still see me. Smiling, he then pulls them off and I say "There he is". He did this a few times and then it was time for me to go to work. I gave him hugges and kisses and told him bye bye. I told him to wave and he waved his arm and hand back and forth like a big boy. No more of the up and down waves or just hand wave. During lunch today we had a lady come in and talk to us about prescription diets. She brought lunch from Bennagins. Mom brought Jacob to my work. He wanted me to hold him and didn't want to get down and walk much. After work Jacob and I went to the mall to get a couple things. At home we had some dinner and then Jacob and I went to pick up his 1year pictures. I picked up a new batery for our phone and camara and also got some finger paints for Jacob. Jared is feeling a little better but still not very good. When we got home Jacob ran right for his truck. This is a truck I found out for trash on the side of the road. I knew Jacob would love it so we cleaned it up and it works great - just missing a door. Jacob played outside on his truck and then I brought it inside cause there are to many mosquitos outside. He was so excited to see the truck in his living room. Daddy was eating some applesauce on the couch and Jacob wanted some. He walked over with a cute face and made a little noise like "I would like some of that Daddy". I got him his own bowl so he would get Daddy's sick germs. Jacob was being so goofy running around. I'd pretend to get him and he'd run off, but after about 2 feet he would turn around, smile really big and come laughing towards me and I would tickle him. It was hilarious and he would do this over and over. I was on the computer and he was out playing on his truck and got stuck with his butt down where his feet should go. Jared was telling me while I was on the computer down the hall. I said to Jacob, "Poor Jacob" and he came running down the hall as fast as he could and gave me a hugg. When it was time for night, night I got his pj's on and then said, "Lets go brush your teeth". He went down the hall and into the bathroom by the sink and got there before me. I always brush his teeth first and then he gets the toothbrush to finish up. Here are a couple pictures of him brushing his teeth.
Posted by One of us at 10:26 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Jared was up alot during the night. He is still not feeling well. He stayed home from work today. Jacob and I were also home to take care of him. Jared lay on the couch with yellow bear while Jacob and I played. We played ring-around-the-rosie and he played with his barn while I drank my coffee. Then Jacob and I went outside to check on the animals. Jacob went right to his truck. I pushed him around in that through the barn and around the yard. He got out to pet the horses who were standing in their individual stalls. Then Jacob wanted to sit on the tractor. He got back in his truck and road over to his slide. I helped him climb up and he slid down. Jacob threw a fit when it was time to go inside. He lay down in front of the door and cried. I took him over to his barn and he quickly forgot about wanting to be outside. He had some fishies on the table for a snack and he took a couple over to Daddy. While he was taking his morning nap I went into town to get Jared some nasal decongestant and Sprite. I had to get some other groceries too. By the time I was about to head home Jacob had woke up. When I got home it was time for his lunch. Jared had no appetite but I had made him some jello and he tried some of that. When Jacob wants to go outside he'll walk into the entrance way and stand by the door with one hand on it like today in the picture above. I set him on the bench and put on his shoes. Every time we put on his shoes we say, "shoe the little pony, shoe the little mare, let the little colt go bare, bare, bare (while taping the bottom of his shoe)". He loves it and sticks his other foot out for the next shoe. He went staight to his truck. I pushed him all over. He wanted to go over to the flower pots and pick a flower. I smelled one and pretended to sneeze and he thought that was funny. He stuck his head down a little to smell them too. Went back inside to play. We watched some home videos for Copper Harbor and it made me even more excited. I can't believe how little Jacob was for his first trip there. Brought back many happy memories. Jared was able to eat some chicken noodle soup and Jacob had some too. Well it's time for bed - I'm very sleepy.
Posted by One of us at 10:22 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Kate woke Jared up at 3am because she was scared of the thunder storm. Jared went outside to shut the windows/sunroof to the saturn. Kate didn't let him get back to sleep. I slept right throuh her but woke up a little before 5am to the loud thunder. Jacob's window was opened so Jared went in and shut it. It's and old window and very loud when its shut. Jacob didn't wake up though. Kate didn't let me get back to sleep she was whinning, panting and pacing. She got her nose under the covers at the end of our bed and crawled up inbetween Jared and I. There she lay til we got up. The power went out just long enought to make our clock blink. We got ready for work and then went out to check on the animals. We woke Jacob up at 6am and got breakfast going. I gave Kate a quick bath cause she rolled in something and she stinks. She has to come to work with me today because she is due for a distemper vacc and a heartworm check. I had the tech draw the blood when I got there and then stuck her in a kennel next to Joni's dogs. Joni (my boss) has a standard poodle and and italian greyhound. Kate did not want to go in the kennel. She was pushing against the door with her nose every time I'd shut it. Poor dog - scared of my work, thunderstorms and car rides and she has all three today. I brought her up front during lunch to lay by me. Then I took the doctors dogs out cause he was in surgery late. When I brought them back in I locked up Kate. Jared had lunch at KFC down the road from my work so he came to see me. He said he wasn't feeling that well. When to doctor got a free moment (not til 4:30) I asked him to do an exam and vacc on Kate - he said she needs her teeth cleaned. I asked him to put up a tranquilizer for Kate during storms and for her trips to Indiana. After work I stopped at my Grandma's house to trim her dog and give him a bath. My mom was there to watch Jacob. I had a very nice visit and was very happy to see my grandparents. My Grandma looked great today. She said it was a good day because its the end day of chemo - starts again tomorrow. Every time my Grandpa says "Pom Pom" to Jacob, Jacob laughs. We can say it and - nothing. On our way home we stopped to pick up Jared some 7 up and made a quick run through Salvation army. Jared is not feeling very good at all. I made him some jello for tomorrow. Jacob fell in a little basket I got from salvation army tonight. Jared said youv'e got to come see Jacob. I grabbed the camera.
Posted by One of us at 10:27 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
This morning on the way to work it felt like my car was shaking so I called Jared in the car in front of me and asked him to pull over and check the oil. The oil was empty. He had a little oil in his car which got us to a gas station. Jared fill up the oil and we were set to go. Jacob fell asleep on the drive. Usually he stays awake. I carried him in and he still didn't wake up so I lay him in the playpen and let him sleep. My mom called work and told me that my Dad had been in a motorcycle accident. He was cruising along in the left lane of three lanes. They were coming up to the light and she made a last minute decision to turn left. She turned in front of him. I'm not to sure of the details but Dad's o.k. Damage was done to both vehicles. My Dad's nice Harley Davison is pretty banged up I hear. The officer gave the other lady a ticket. My Dad has some bruises and scrap/road burns but I am so thankful he is ok. Jared went over to see him after he got out of work. He even managed to play a few games of ping pong. Dad won 3 and Jared wone the first game. We met back at home where we let Jacob ride in his new (used) little tikes ride on pickup truck. We washed it and he had lots of fun riding around in it. Jared pushed him all over the yard and through the barn to check on the goats/sheep. I put some ointment on Celeste bug bite wounds. We worked on weeding the garden and Jacob played with the dirt in the garden. I think he would have played in that dirt all night. After dinner, Jared took the trash out. Jacob was laughing really hard when I'd put his stacking cup on my head. He would come over to me laughing and hug me. It would fall off and he'd pick it up and want me to do that again. Jared called us over to look out the screen window. There he had 4 eggs and he grabbed 3 and put on a juggeling show for us. Jacob and I laughed, especially when he dropped and cracked a couple eggs. He would juggle them high and then low, really fast and then slow. Jacob was excited - when I set him down for a second he winned to get back up and see Daddy. Daddy played peek-a-boo with him under the window. He pulled out his phone from the toys and then put the phone behind his ear on the back of his head and walked around the room elbow in the air. He held the phone there for a while occasionally taking it down to look at it and press some buttons. I got him a snack and he walked around the house sticking his tongue way out. We'd stick our tongues out too and he'd laugh.
Posted by One of us at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 19, 2006
At Mel's this morning I stacked up some blocks while Jacob had fun knocking them down. I gave him a hug and kiss goodbye and he followed me to the door to wave bye bye. After a long day at work I went back to Mel's to pick him up. The front door was locked. I knocked several times and rang the doorbell. Usually the door is unlocked when I get there. I walked to the back door, it was locked so I knocked. I went back to the front door and knocked again. I decided to go to my car and call when the door opened up. She didn't hear me get there. Jacob stood up and came over quickly for some huggs and kisses. Hailey wanted me to come and see what she made with her playdo. I gave Jacob some baby fishies for a snack on the way home with his drink. When we got home it was time to make some dinner. Jacob ate very good. He was goofing around and biting the spoon and holding it there for a little bit. He was laughing out loud when I'd stick the spoon in and out so fast he couldn't bite down and hold. Then I'd let him get it a few times too - he thought it was very funny. Jared and I were laughing too. I put long pants on Jacob and we went outside. Jacob was looking at all the flowers and toughing them. I picked one off for him to hold. He saw the tractor out and walked over to me to help him up onto it. He pretended to drive making sure to touch every knob and then hang onto the wheel. Daddy climbed behind him and started it up. They drove it into the barn and Daddy climbed off. Jacob wanted to sit on the tractor for a little longer. He pointed at the hen and said "Dit Din" then he pointed back at the rooster and said, "Dit Din". Then you pointed up in the barn at the birdies and said, "Dee". Jared worked on connecting the hose adaptors he got yesterday. We went into town to get diapers and lunch meat. Walked around Walmart for a while looking at garden things. I gave Jacob a stuffed chicken and he got excited and hugged it. We told it bye bye when when it was time to leave. Jacob was smiling when Daddy made the car shake bye pressing and releasing the break. At home he rode his little tractor around and I pushed him up and down the driveway once. Mosquitos were bad so we went inside. Jacob had his bath and we brushed his teeth.
He gave me big hugs while wrapped in his towel. Got him dressed for bed and took him to say night, night to Daddy. Daddy had done all the dishes - what a guy! He is such a big help and I am so thankful for him. I set Jacob in his crib and he stood up with his arms lifted. I bent over and he gave me a long hug. I told him how much I loved him and said night, night. He sat down and smiled. I shut off the light. I heard him chating for about 20 minutes or so.
Posted by One of us at 10:36 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Jacob was talking for a little while before I went in his room to get him. I love to just lay there and listen to him chatter on. I brought him in our bedroom we told Daddy Happy Fathers Day. He played with Daddy and the dogs. Kate likes to lick his little hands. He loves to pet the dogs. After breakfast I took him in the pink room so he could color with crayons on Daddy's card. He enjoyed that. He kept looking at the car on front and then opening it up and coloring on it. Sorry Uncle Eric - he chose to use his right hand to color. He carried a gift in each hand and I carried one out to Daddy waiting on the couch. Daddy opened a "Greatest Dad 2006" shirt, a solid brass 4 way faucet adaptor, and two brass tap adaptors. Jacob was holding the two brass adaptors wrapped seprately, one in each hand. After Daddy opened the first two Jacob helped him open the ones in his hands. We got ready and went to church. In church Jacob kept pointing at the big flag and then at the stained windows. When we sat down I set him next to me instead of on our laps. He looked so proud of himself, he kicked his feet excitedly and smiled. When it was time I took him back to the nursery so he could play with the other kids. He was happy to see us after the service. Daddy chose pizza for lunch and Jacob fell asleep in the car on our way to pick it up. He didn't wake up when we got him out of the car so we lay him in his crib. He slept for a few hours. We went in the room to get him up and ready to go see Papa. Vikki, Rody and Kenzie were already at Mom and Dad's. Melissa, Hailey, and Max got there right after we did. I went to get Jacob's dinner ready and I said, "Jacob are you ready to eat", He said, "Eat, - Eat". While I was getting his food things ready for him again he said, "Eat". Some friends of my parents came over for a short visit. The man asked Jacob to shake his hand and Jacob ran behind my back, hugged behind my shoulder and lay his head on it. The man was tall and dressed in all black. We left there house at around 8:30pm. When we got home Jacob was sound asleep - he didn't get his second nap today so he's very tired. Jared carried him into the house and lay him on his monkey pillow. He slept there just like in the picture for about an hour. Jared didn't want me to move him to his crib cause it was fun to watch him sleep.
Kimmy (I added a couple of cute pool pictures to yesterday's blog)
Posted by One of us at 10:00 PM 2 comments