Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Bruce and Mel brought Jacob to my work after I got out. It was raining out but felt warm. Jared and I met at Salvation army on the way home. I was going to try and find a sterio for my work. When we got home I got out of my work clothes and got Jacob's boots on. We went outside. Jacob was bending over to pick up some rocks. We walked over to look at the garden. There is corn, peas, onions, and lettuce coming up. It fun to watch them grow each day. Jacob wanted to walk through the mudd puddle, so we let him. Then he decided it was fun to run back and forth through it and he ended up sitting down and splashing in it. It was funny and boy was he muddy - head to toe. We took him straight to the tub. After splashing in the tub, I dried him off and let him walk around the house in he "birthday suit".



Anonymous said...

Was Jacob trying out for the Olympics?? that was Jared's excuse when he did that! He never did make the team though..kept ending up in the middle of the puddle. Kimmy you should ask him about that story if you dont know about it

Anonymous said...

Well, as I remember JB would say..."I'll try to not step in the puddle" and than promptly do it getting everyone wet around him. Don't think he figured out what try to not really meant. I figured there was no words he could understand. Jacob looks right at home sitting in the mud. Next time let's get daddy sitting beside him. That would be the best.