Saturday, May 02, 2009

By the creek where we used to play.
Vikki and I spend lots of time by the creek and in this woods.
Hailey posing for the camera.
Great memories here!
The bridge is new. It used to be a one lane dirt road bridge.
Back home with the boys.

I got up at 6am. Jacob woke up at 7am and went to lie in bed with Daddy for a little while. Then he brought out the Toots and Puddle game. He played with that until I finished my exercises. Adam was up around 8am. As I undressed him he noticed the owl on his shirt and started making owl sounds. Jacob heard him and then he made owls sounds too. He has a very hoarse voice because of his cold. Daddy told him that he made a good screech owl impression. It was really funny. I asked the boys if the wanted jelly or cinnamon on their toast but Adam requested peanut butter. After breakfast we headed to town for drinks and donuts. From there we went to Goodwill and the Pet store. The boys love to look at all the cards with animals on them at the Pet store. They like to point out the funny ones. We got home around 10:00. Jacob made a house using the stools and chairs placed around the counter. I did some sewing. Jared went outside to work on the barn roof. The boys also played with their tools. We went outside and the boys played on their tractors. Around lunchtime we came back in to eat. I was singing the animal cracker song as I handed the boys some of them. Adam sang the song too and it went something like, “Ann-mow cacker – soup, Monkey --- loop.” Daddy and the boys played while I did a 30-min run. At 1:30 I headed over to Mom’s house. As I was leaving Jacob held out his arms and said, “Were gonna miss you this much.” Mel, Hailey, Jack, Vikki and Kenzie also met us there. Bruce is taking Max to stay with Jared and the boy on his way to work. We were going to a family friend's wedding shower. At the shower we had a nice time visiting with friends. I got to hold Jack lots. He was very cuddly and full of smiles as usual. Hailey had a good time playing with Eve and Gage. There was also good food to eat there. We played games. One game we all had to guess how many M&M’s were in the jar. I guessed 620 and there were 605 – I won the jar of M&M's. They’re Jared and the boy’s favorite treat so I was excited to win them. We headed back home around 5pm. On the way we drove past two houses that we grew up in. We stopped in at the first house but they were not home. We peeked in the window where our "Pit" used to be but it is no longer there:( The sand hill we loved playing on it gone too. We also stopped to walk around by the creek that we grew up playing by. Vikki, Kenzie, and I took a walk thru the woods. We sure have a lot of memories here. Then we drove to the little store where Mom would take us to pick out candy. Vikki gave Kenzie and Hailey each $1 to spend there. I left Mom’s house at 7:00 and stopped at meijer on the way home. The boys were playing in the barn when I got there. Jacob and Adam came running to me and gave me very big hugs. It was a little after 8:00 by the time we came inside. Jacob was excited when I told him that Max was staying here tonight. Kenzie got Jacob a truck book that they all had fun looking at. Adam took a bath and then Jacob and Max took a bath/shower. The boys were tucked in bed by 9:30.


Vikki's Blog said...

I like your sentence you wrote..."Bruce is taking Max to stay with Jared and the boy on his way to work" the boy! Well anyhoo...nice pictures. I sure did have a great time today. You should get the pics I took at the shower off my blog and put them on yours. Love you and Im glad the boys liked the book Kenzie got them. Good night!