My Grandpa had heart surgery on Wednesday and he is doing great. He calls Jacob his "sleeping buddy".
Thursday we had a OB Doctor appointment. Jacob got to go with us and he had fun playing with the toys and smiling at the nurses. The baby's HR was 150bpm. He kicked the doppler and we lost the heartbeat for a bit. Also Aunt Vikki and her family took Jacob to Chucky Cheese today. He had lots of fun. He loves his Aunt "Bippi" and has been staying with her this week. When I ask hiim if he wants to go see her he shakes his head yes. Friday - this morning Vikki felt the baby kick several times. Tonight, after dinner, we went shopping for a Christmas tree. The first two stores we went to had no trees left - then we went to Target. They had a few boxes of trees in a pile for 50% off. We got one we liked and took it home. I was really excited so we set it up when we got home. It is beautiful.
Saturday - Jacob slept in til almost 9am. I went and got him up and he wanted me to get his blankey, and all of his stuffed animals to carry with us. I took him to our bedroom and he lay in bed with the animals. When he went in the living room he noticed the new tree right away. He looked at it and said, "Wow". Went out for donuts and muffins - then we headed over to Jeanne and Leonard's house. They were not home so we went to Mom & Dad's. Mom was gone and Dad was sleeping. We went in anyway. After Jacob had some lunch, Papa woke up. Shortly after that Nana came home. Dad and Jared played pingpong - Dad won 3 games and Jared won 2. We decided to have Mom, Dad, and Grandma over for dinner tonight and then they could see our new tree. When we got home we worked on cleaning the house. Jacob layed down for a nap and we made some brownies. Then we peeled potatoes for scalup potatoes and ham with green beans. Mom brought over angel food cake. We had a wonderful evening together.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Posted by One of us at 10:33 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Yesterday Jacob got to stay home with Daddy. Kenzie had spent the night and we stopped at Grandma's on the way to work cause her dog was having anal gland issues. Kenzie and I went in the house singing Happy Birthday to Grandma. Got a new computer system at work so spent the day learning new stuff. Its a neat system and I really like it. I've been working on the new babies room - cleaning out the closet. Jared got all the baby clothes out of the crawl space. Jacob loves to look at Daddy down in the hole but he wont get to close. There was a breeze coming up from the crawl space and Jared tied strings to a garbage bag and had it floating up to the top of the closet in our bedroom. Today Mom took Jacob to Aunt Vikki's while she went up to the hospital to visit Grandpa. Vikki called and said he was being really good and she was having fun with him. She taught him how to pucker his lips like a fish. He loves to look at the fish in her aquarium.
Posted by One of us at 9:56 PM 2 comments
Friday, December 15, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Jacob likes to play in the dogs crate.
Baby Boy #2
3D picture of chest/abdomen/butt/leg
3D picture of head/ear/arm and umbilical cord goes over shoulder behind his back.
This morning I dropped Jacob off at Mom's and took Kenzie to school. When I got to work I noticed I had Mom's carseat for Jacob in the back of my car. I left work and went back to her house to drop it off. Today we have a specialized ultrasound at the hospital due to my family history. When we got in the room I told the technician about my history with this pregnancy. She was upset because my doctor hadn't sent her any paperwork which they requested. The ultrasound was amazing to see. Right away he showed off his boy parts. After the tech was done, the doctor came in and discussed the reasons for this ultrasound. Mom got there as the doctor began the ultrasound. Everything with the baby came back normal except for a dark area in his abdomen. They explained that this was most likely a loop of bowel (bowel obstruction) or possible a cyst on his kidney. They were thinking more towards the bowel obstruction which means we need to come back in a month for a recheck. It may shrink and go away, otherwise he will need surgery right away after birth. If it were a cyst on his kidney it probably wouldn't cause any problems. We went to visit Grandpa in the hospital.
Posted by One of us at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 11, 2006
Jacob wanted to touch a few of Nana's Christmas lights before going in the house. Busy day at work today. My Grandpa had to go to the ER today because he was having difficulty breathing. My Dad took care of Jacob. Mom told me they are going to keep Grandpa overnight. She told me the only thing Dad could get Jacob to eat today was cookies and yogurt. She fed him his lunch when she got home. Jared picked him up there after work and I picked Kenzie up from her Grandma's house. She is staying with us tonight. Tomorrow is our 3D ultrasound so looking forward to that.
Posted by One of us at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Friday: Jacob had a Dr appt today. I sat in the waiting room while Jacob played. There were alot of other little kids there. Jacob was really excited with the toys and the large fish tank. A little boy ran up to him and grabbed his toy. Jacob just stood there as the boy's father made him give the toy back. We were the last to go into a room. A lady came in and measured Jacob. He was very good and told the lady, "Bye Bye" and waved as she left the room. Then the Physician's assistant came in and Jacob was really good for her too. He even opened his mouth wide as she looked inside. Lastly the nurse came in to give him a flu shot - he didn't even cry for that. Afterwards he enjoyed a sucker and we went to Grandma's to meet Mom. Grandma told me that Grandpa watched Jacob today while Mom took here to therapy. He said Jacob was very good. Jacob really loves Grandpa lots. Grandpa calls him his sleeping buddy cause sometimes they sleep in the car while waiting for Mom and Grandma.
Saturday: We spent today getting some Christmas shopping done. After lunch and a nap for Jacob we went to Menard's. Jacob loved there Christmas trees and decorations. Then we let him play in their kids area. He was so excited. He rode down the rollar coaster and then went in the cars. Jared went in the play house and Jacob followed. He went to the sink and pretended to wash his hands. On the way home I had Jared let me run into Sears cause there was something there I wanted to get for Jared. When I asked for help they eventually figured out that there were no more in stock except the display. They called some other stores which also were sold out. They tried to order online and from the catalog. No luck - they aren't going to be getting any more in. I asked if I could buy the display but they could only sell it to me with all the parts. They couldn't find the manuel or a wrench. I wanted them to give up a while ago but they were very nice and tried to get it for me. I was in there for over an hour. We went out to dinner at Fazolies. Sunday: This morning Jacob lay in bed between Jared and I. Today Jacob kept crawling into the dogs cage and getting out the bed. He'd set it on the floor and then lay on it. This evening we baked Christmas cookies - Lots of them. Then we decorated all 164 of them. Jacob helped some but would rather play with his tractors.
Posted by One of us at 10:28 PM 3 comments
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Didn't get much sleep last night cause the yorkie was barking most the night. Jared even got up to take her outside. Kenzie spent the night tonight. She really likes the yorkie and held her alot. As soon as we got home Jacob wanted to color. He ran to the fridge and said, "Pease" so I got his crayons and paper down. The house was crazy with 4 dogs running around. None of the dogs really care for the lab pup - cause she is always wanting to play rough. The little yorkie barks and nips at her. We ended up separating them for peace. Kenzie and Truman got in bed and Jacob climbed up with them. The little yorkie also came running and jumped on Kenzie's pillow - hopefully she will sleep there and not bark tonight.
Posted by One of us at 9:36 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Jared and I fed the animals and then Jared left for work. I'm off today. Jacob woke up calling for Mommy and Daddy. When I went in his room he stomped his feet excitedly. After breakfast I bundled Jacob up and we took the dogs outside. Jacob said, "Coold" and I said, "Burr" then Jacob replied, "Burr". Jacob and I went shopping to look for a Christmas present for Daddy without much luck. At home we ate lunch and Jacob took a nap. Jacob was really excited when Daddy came home. We went outside to take care of the animals and found another one of our chickens had died. Mary was one that since the fox has been not acting herself - like not wanted to go outside the coop. When we got inside Jacob put his mittens and hat away. We had sloppy joes for dinner.
Posted by One of us at 9:48 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Got to Mom's early cause Jared needed to be to work early. Jacob ate his breakfast there and then I got him dressed. When I was getting ready to leave with Kenzie he came over to me on his own saying, "Bye Bye" and gave me a hugg and kiss. Usually I'm telling him to say bye bye as I hugg and kiss him. Took two dogs home with me after work - a lab pup and a yorkie. We are watching them for a girl at my work.
Posted by One of us at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Saturday: Jacob woke up saying, "Ma Ma" over and over. I'd answer and say, "Yes Jacob". When he called my name once I had Jared answer. Jacob paused and then exclaimed, "Da Da". Today we are celebrating my nephew's 1 yr birthday. We got to mom's house for the party around noon. Jacob walked over to Grandpa and Grandpa took off his coat. Kenzie gave Jacob a gift to open. It was a toy cell phone and car keys. He loved it - especially the phone. Jacob ate all his sloppy jo for lunch. Then it was time for cake. Max tried to blow out his candle and ate all his cake and ice cream. He got good and messy. Jacob ate cake and ice cream too but was very neat. I played photographer - running the video, digital, and 35mm cameras. They brought their stand for the video camera and that made it nice. Max enjoyed his gifts - and Jacob liked them too. Jacob took a nap and I helped Mel put a toy together. There were lots of screws. This evening Mom, Mel, Jared, the kids and I went to a live nativity. We waited in the line out the door of the church, then in the line inside the church. We were then seated in a small room to wait. From there we went to a much larger room to wait. We waited for probably 2 1/2 hrs. Finally we made it outside - they take you back to the night Jesus was born and you walk through Bethlahem. It was really neat and afterwards we got cookies and drinks. Jacob liked seeing the goats (even though he sees them every day). Jacob was asleep when we got home and I lay him on the dogs bed to get his snowsuit off and into his pjs.
Sunday: After church today we got pizza - Jacob was really excited when I opened the box and he saw the pizza. After lunch, a very tired Jacob lay on the couch with Daddy. Jacob and I both took a nap. Jared got up and went outside to plow the snow with the tractor and go to the neighbors to get 1000 lbs of corn. We went to meijer for a few things. When we got home it was time for dinner. After dinner Jacob asked to color. He loves coloring and besides time in the tub he colored the rest of the evening.
Posted by One of us at 10:46 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 01, 2006
Woke up this morning to snow and sleet. Mom called and said Kenzie's school was canceled so I didn't need to take her so we had a little extra time for the drive. Took Jared to work and then I headed to Mom's. Yesterday I had a Dr appt which went well. Baby's doing good - HR was 160 bpm. Jared meet
me at Mom's after work. I got out a little early so we could make it home before dark. When we got home our front door was open and it was really cold in the house (56 degrees). Jared got the corn burner running and it warmed up quick. We got quite a bit of snow which Jacob calls, "no".
Posted by One of us at 9:39 PM 4 comments